Hello. please help me about project quadruped robot dog ? With pca9685Where can I start? It's hard for my robot to walk.
maybe share a little bit more info?
Can you share!! Because i make it for my school
It's you that needs to share details of your project
For instance, how many servos does each leg have and how are they configured
How is the robot powered ?
Do you know how to control a single servo using the PCA9685 ?
Yes I know how to control single servo I'm using 12 Servo motor mg996 one leg 2 servo motor
Do you know the sequence of servo positions to make the robot move forwards ?
You need a method of numbering the 12 servos, perhaps 0 for front left leg top, 1 for front left leg bottom, 2 for front tight leg top, 3 for front right leg bottom etc
Write down what sequence of servo number and angle of that servo would move the robot forward
But My servo motor The location of all the different degrees, I do not know how to make its position the same?
If you don't know (or can't find out) how each servo should move and in what order to make the robot walk then I am afraid that it is going to be difficult to help you
Did you design the robot yourself or is it a kit ? If it is a kit then please post a link to it
I found 3D from hackaday DIY hobby servos quadruped robot | Hackaday.io
My position servo is different degree all my leg I want make it all the same degree but I don't know how ??
Now I can fix servo degree different positions! So how can I start more ? On my project
Each servo can be moved to a different angle almost at the same time if that is what you need
Have you looked at the code in the project that you linked to ?
I don't have a code this project i made code myself but it's hard
Please post you code, using code tags when you do, and explain the problems that you have had
I do everything but still do not work, I think I am not clear on the code and those devices
Please give some details about code and robot dog how can I make it waking I
I writing code for waking robot dog
My servo is different degree so it's hard to count it waking
Void loop(){
Char data = Serial.read(){
If(data == 'm'{
For(x = 60; x <=145; x+=3){
pwm.setPWM(0,0, angle2pulse(x);
pwm.setPWM(1,0, angle2pulse(x);
}For(x = 145 ; x >=60; x-=3){
pwm.setPWM(0,0, angle2pulse(x);
pwm.setPWM(1,0, angle2pulse(x);
Int angle2pulse(int myang){
Int pulse = map(myang ,0,180,125,500)
return pulse;
I see that you decided to ignore the advice to use < CODE/ > tags when posting code. I also note that the code that you posted does not compile
For instance, the if statement does not start with a capital I, a for loop does not start with a capital F, there is no such data type as a Char or Int and much of the code seems to be missing
Begin by writing a list of movements that each leg can make using the servos for that leg. No coding at this time.
Mark each of the movements you listed that are necessary for that leg to walk. Ignore all the other movements. Those movements you will need to code for, EACH in a separate function that can be called by your main program.
Now write a program that will call the functions, in the order to make the leg walk.
When that works, do the same steps for all the other legs.
THEN you can write a program to call the required functions for the combination of leg movements necessary to make the dog walk.
Look up "hexapod robot gait" on the web, for ideas on how to make the robot walk.