I have four equipments controlled by one PC running a LabVIEW control code. Each equipment has a simple user interface with touch screen( controlled by an Arduino ) . Refer the image for details. In this I would like to know which is easy to hook up and maintain - Modbus or Ethernet ?
Ethernet hardware is more expensive. Modbus can be reduced to a RS-485 bus with simple line drivers.
They are different systems for different purposes .
Which is best an Apple or a chair ?
Depends whether you mean fault tolerance ? Ease of writing code etc etc.
What you connect to your PC via the labview cards may determine your answer
So what interface(s) do those equipments support?
Do they already have Modbus? or Ethernet? or USB? or Serial?
Using an interface that's already these is likely to be the easiest!
I missed that they're all Arduinos!
In that case, the simplest would probably be to just get a 4-port USB Hub, and control each one using its built-in USB/Serial interface!
Ethernet is a physical interface, Modbus is a protocal. You can do Modbus over Ethernet, it's called Modbus TCP. You can also do Modbus over RS485
Thanks for the reminder on the USB. Opens up many possibilities.
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