Question about AC sampler

I have a code for a Digital Multimeter

void calculate_voltage() { 
  float R1 = 9950.00; 
  float R2 = 4670.00; 
  float v_ref = 5.00; 
  float resistor_ratio = 0.00; 
  float adc_value = 0.00; 
  float voltage = 0.00; 
  resistor_ratio = (R2 / (R1 + R2)); 
  for (int i = 0; i < 200 ; i++) 
    adc_value = adc_value + analogRead(VoltMeter); 
  adc_value = adc_value / 200; 
  voltage = (adc_value * v_ref) / 1024; 
  V = voltage / resistor_ratio; 

This code is a part of a the program of a (Digital Multimeter) This code is for calculating the voltage using voltage divider

I want to implement half wave rectifier circuit with capacitor filter before the voltage divider to take the AC voltage values

but the problem that I need to do Sampling to the voltage (Square , average then root square) but I do not know how to add these things to this code

note: I want to measure AC voltage using software only without any Sensors just the filter for AC
if you can help me I will appreciate that

thanks all

Why both setting it to zero, if you're then going to put the result of a constant (hint) calculation in it?

No problem I will fix this later but do you have a solution for my problem I am so confused about this problem

Well, here is one solution: Measure AC Voltage with Arduino - AC Voltmeter - Simple Projects
However, it uses a peak detection process and then a formula to derive the RMS voltage from the peak voltage.
Your assignment appears to have been structured in such a way that you must sample the wave form to determine the voltage to be displayed on the "multimeter"

Thanks for the solution but I want to edit the code above and second thing I use
0.96 oled 12c Display

so the code will not work

if you can edit the code above to be sample I will appreciate that

Note: I am not code expert and I am new learner

Ok. The solution isn't then an exact match for your requirements.
What I suggest you do is search for another project which uses an 0.96 oled 12c Display and strip it down so you are able to display the text message "hello World" on the display. Once you have got that far, start joining the code to the AC voltmeter code.

My digital Multimeter work correctly it is measure DC (voltage current resistance capacitance) but I want to add AC voltage to this project

I will attach the total code for you

#include <Wire.h> 
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h> 
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h> 
#include "logo.h" 
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 128 
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 32 
#define OLED_RESET -1 
Adafruit_SSD1306 display(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, &Wire, OLED_RESET); 
const int select_button = 2; 
const int right_button = 3; 
const int OhmMeter = A0; 
const int CapacitancMeter = A1; 
const int VoltMeter = A2; 
const int Ammeter = A3; 
const int R3 = 6; 
const int R2 = 5; 
const int R1 = 4; 
const int ChargePin = 13; 
const int DischargePin = 11; 
boolean is_select = false;
int navigator = 0; 
int flag = 0; 
float R = 0.00; 
float V = 0.00; 
float I = 0.00; 
float C = 0.00;
float t = 0.00;
float P = V*I;
float E = P*t; 
boolean nano = false; 
boolean kilo = false; 
boolean mili = false; 
void OLED_init() { 
  if (!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C)) 
    Serial.println(F("SSD1306 allocation failed")); 
    for (;;); 
  diplay_logo(15, 3, Electropeak, F_LOGO_WIDTH, F_LOGO_HEIGHT); 
void display_clear() { 
void diplay_logo(int x, int y, const uint8_t *bitmap, int w, int h) { 
  display.drawBitmap(x, y, bitmap, w, h, WHITE); 
void display_text(int sz, int x, int y, String str) { 
  display.setCursor(x, y);
void display_number(int sz, int x, int y, double num) { 
  display.setCursor(x, y);
void calculate_resistor() { 
  float v_ref = 4.94; 
  float r1 = 0.00; 
  float r_ref1 = 1000.00; 
  float adc_value1 = 0.00;
  float voltage1 = 0.00; 
  float r2 = 0.00; 
  float r_ref2 = 10000.00;
  float adc_value2 = 0.00;
  float voltage2 = 0.00; 
  float r3 = 0.00; 
  float r_ref3 = 100000.00; 
  float adc_value3 = 0.00;
  float voltage3 = 0.00; 
  pinMode(R1, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(R2, INPUT); 
  pinMode(R3, INPUT); 
  digitalWrite(R1, HIGH); 
  for (int i = 0; i < 20 ; i++) 

    adc_value1 = adc_value1 + analogRead(OhmMeter); 
  adc_value1 = adc_value1 / 20; 

  if (adc_value1 < 1022.90) 


    voltage1 = ((adc_value1 * v_ref) / 1024); 

    r1 = (voltage1 * r_ref1) / (v_ref - voltage1); 



  pinMode(R1, INPUT); 

  pinMode(R2, OUTPUT); 

  pinMode(R3, INPUT); 

  digitalWrite(R2, HIGH); 

  for (int i = 0; i < 20 ; i++) 


    adc_value2 = adc_value2 + analogRead(OhmMeter); 



  adc_value2 = adc_value2 / 20; 

  if (adc_value2 < 1022.90) 


    voltage2 = ((adc_value2 * v_ref) / 1024); 

    r2 = (voltage2 * r_ref2) / (v_ref - voltage2); 



  pinMode(R1, INPUT); 

  pinMode(R2, INPUT); 

  pinMode(R3, OUTPUT); 

  digitalWrite(R3, HIGH); 

  for (int i = 0; i < 20 ; i++) 


    adc_value3 = adc_value3 + analogRead(OhmMeter); 



  adc_value3 = adc_value3 / 20; 

  if (adc_value3 < 1022.90) 


    voltage3 = ((adc_value3 * v_ref) / 1024); 

    r3 = (voltage3 * r_ref3) / (v_ref - voltage2); 



  r1 = r1 / 1000; 

  r2 = r2 / 1000; 

  r3 = r3 / 1000; 


  if (r1 < 2 && r2 < 101 && r3 < 1001) R = r1 * 1000; 

  else if (r1 > 2 && r2 < 101 && r3 < 1001) R = r2; 

  else if (r1 > 2 && r2 > 101 && r3 < 2000) R = r3; 

  else R = 0.00; 


  if (R < 1) 


    R = R * 1000; 

    kilo = false; 




    kilo = true; 





void calculate_capacitance() { 

  unsigned long start_time; 

  unsigned long elapsed_time; 

  float microFarads; 

  float nanoFarads; 

  float r_ref = 10000.00; 


  digitalWrite(ChargePin, HIGH); 

  start_time = millis(); 


  while (analogRead(CapacitancMeter) < 648) {} 


  elapsed_time = millis() - start_time; 


  microFarads = ((float)elapsed_time / r_ref) * 1000; 

  if (microFarads > 1) 


    C = microFarads; 

    nano = false; 




    nanoFarads = microFarads * 1000.0; 

    C = nanoFarads; 

    nano = true; 




  digitalWrite(ChargePin, LOW); 

  pinMode(DischargePin, OUTPUT); 

  digitalWrite(DischargePin, LOW); 

  while (analogRead(CapacitancMeter) > 0) {} 

  pinMode(DischargePin, INPUT); 




void calculate_voltage() { 

  float R1 = 9950.00; 
  float R2 = 4670.00; 
  float v_ref = 5.00; 
  float resistor_ratio = 0.00; 
  float adc_value = 0.00; 
  float voltage = 0.00; 

  resistor_ratio = (R2 / (R1 + R2)); 

  for (int i = 0; i < 200 ; i++) 

    adc_value = adc_value + analogRead(VoltMeter); 


  adc_value = adc_value / 200; 
  voltage = (adc_value * v_ref) / 1024; 

  V = voltage / resistor_ratio; 



void calculate_current() { 

  int sensitivity = 185; 

  int adc_value = 0; 

  float v_ref = 4.94; 

  float voltage = 0.00; 

  float pure_voltage = 0.00; 

  float offset_voltage = 2.47; 


  for (int i = 0; i < 40 ; i++) 


    adc_value = adc_value + analogRead(Ammeter); 



  adc_value = adc_value / 40; 

  voltage = ((adc_value * v_ref) / 1024); 

  pure_voltage = voltage - offset_voltage; 

  pure_voltage = pure_voltage * 1000; 

  I = pure_voltage / sensitivity; 


  if (I < 1) 


    I = I * 1000; 

    mili = true; 




    mili = false; 


void setup() { 



  pinMode(right_button, INPUT_PULLUP); 

  pinMode(select_button, INPUT_PULLUP); 

  pinMode(ChargePin, OUTPUT); 

  digitalWrite(ChargePin, LOW); 

void loop() { 

  if (digitalRead(right_button) == 0) 


    while (digitalRead(right_button) == 0); 


    if (navigator > 3) navigator = 0; 



  if ( digitalRead(select_button) == 0) 


    is_select = true; 

    while ( digitalRead(select_button) == 0); 


  if (navigator == 0) 



    diplay_logo(0, 0, RightArrow, F_LOGO_WIDTH, F_LOGO_HEIGHT); 

    display_text(2, 17, 8, "Resistor"); 


    while (is_select) 



      display_text(1, 0, 0, "Resistor"); 

      display_text(2, 12, 8, "R="); 

      display_number(2, 42, 8, R); 

      if (kilo) display_text(1, 115, 15, "k"); 



      if ( digitalRead(select_button) == 0) 


        is_select = false; 

        while ( digitalRead(select_button) == 0); 





  if (navigator == 1) 



    diplay_logo(0, 0, BothArrow, F_LOGO_WIDTH, F_LOGO_HEIGHT); 

    display_text(2, 17, 8, "Voltage"); 


    while (is_select) 



      display_text(1, 0, 0, "Voltage"); 

      display_text(2, 12, 8, "V="); 

      display_number(2, 42, 8, V); 

      display_text(1, 115, 15, "v"); 



      if ( digitalRead(select_button) == 0) 


        is_select = false; 

        while ( digitalRead(select_button) == 0); 




  if (navigator == 2) 



    diplay_logo(0, 0, BothArrow, F_LOGO_WIDTH, F_LOGO_HEIGHT); 

    display_text(2, 17, 8, "Current"); 


    while (is_select) 



      display_text(1, 0, 0, "Current"); 

      display_text(2, 12, 8, "I="); 

      display_number(2, 42, 8, I); 

      if (mili) display_text(1, 115, 15, "mA"); 

      if (!mili) display_text(1, 115, 15, "A"); 



      if ( digitalRead(select_button) == 0) 


        is_select = false; 

        while ( digitalRead(select_button) == 0); 




  if (navigator == 3) 



    diplay_logo(0, 0, LeftArrow, F_LOGO_WIDTH, F_LOGO_HEIGHT); 

    display_text(2, 12, 8, "Capacitor"); 


    while (is_select) 



      display_text(1, 0, 0, "Capacitor"); 

      display_text(2, 12, 8, "C="); 

      display_number(2, 42, 8, C); 

      if (nano) display_text(1, 115, 22, "nF"); 

      if (!nano) display_text(1, 115, 22, "uF"); 



      if ( digitalRead(select_button) == 0) 


        is_select = false; 

        while ( digitalRead(select_button) == 0); 





Well. you've already created an impressive and well featured program.
You've now got basically 2 problems:

  1. Integrate a new measurement type into that program so the user can select AC voltage as well as DC voltage, current, resistance and capacitance and it displays something.
  2. create the core code which measures AC voltage.

My suggestion is start with part 1 above.
Add this line float ACV = 249.01; under the line float V = 0.00; in your program, add the code to present the AC voltage display part then verify that when the user selects the AC volt range, he sees the value 249.01 volts in the display.
Once that is done, proceed with the next part of calculating a real value for the variable ACV.

Actually I did not written this code as I told you I am a beginner

I have a question what is the mean of 249.01 and how can I get the AC signal and sample it

It is 5.928 times 42.

It has no real meaning. I only chose that as an example so that it could display something, It is actually the mains voltage +/- a few volts here and it is so there is something plausible to write on the display. I suggest you change it to display the mains voltage in your area.

As I said, focus first on getting to the stage where the user can choose AC voltage as a measurement type and that it displays that example AC voltage. Once you've got so far, then work on getting a real measurement working.

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