Question about EEPROM addresses and how they work.


I'm messing around with EEPROM, and I don't understand the interaction with addresses. When I would write something to address 1 and then something to address 2 it would overwrite this. Or if I would write something to address 1 and then use get for address 2 I would get the string I put in minus the first letter, why is this?

#include "Arduino.h"
#include <EEPROM.h>

  struct fileStruc{ //Struct for file storage
  char name[20];
  int eeAddress;

typedef struct fileStruc file;

void setup() {

void writeEntry(){
  file fl;
  String test = "hello";
  test.toCharArray(, 21);
  fl.eeAddress = 1;
  EEPROM.put(fl.eeAddress, fl);

void readEntry(){
  char x[20];
  Serial.println(EEPROM.get(2, x));

void loop() {

EEPROM.put writes so many bytes as the size of the struct. so the next free address is start address + size of the struct

EEPROM.put writes so many bytes as the size of the struct. so the next free address is start address + size of the struct

Thank you! Sorry for the late response.