Question about GPS module GY NEO6MV2

Hello friends !

I am doing my project for university,which is a self balancing robot which will be controlled by phone. I am using an MPU 6050 gyroscope, an L298N motor controller,and an Arduino YÚN. I am using the YÚN because i am trying to connect to a web server with it,and trying to make it so that everyone who has internet access anywhere can controll my robot via a webpage.

My new idea is that i want to make a program,a graphic interface, to be able to see where my robot is,and the road it's currently going by drawing a line. (so basically to be able to track my robot's journey).

My question is,will i be able to do that with this GPS module somehow ? And if yes,any ideas are welcome.

Thank you for reading this,and i hope someone will be able to answer my questions.
