I'm driving a ws2812b type LED panel that has 24-bit colors for each LED pixel. The ws2812b IC is baked within the SMD5050, pretty cool stuff to toy with.
I've been driving other LEDS before with success but never the amount I am driving now, and it is causing issues. The panel is a 16x16 matrix arrangement. Which is 256*3 (bytes) to refresh the entire panel.
I've been playing with the Serial class and a .NET app that sends the data as byte arrays. I've also been playing with the buffer size of the Arduino software. Right now I am getting around 16fps which is pretty decent already. I am however packing the 24 bits into a 16 bit message basically driving it at 16 bit colors instead of 24.
Even still I am having sync issues. I tried using magic words and additional bytes as flags but non of those methods gave me good results. I had to strip down the entire code to its basics to get it to perform the way it does without glitches. The only bug I have right now is that occasionally the entire frame is read with an offset. It will give consistent results, but the colors will be all wrong. Usually this state will be present from the beginning until I reset the Arduino and my software.
I can probably solve this problem by implementing a simple protocol, I just didn't have any luck yet. Here's the code I am using now:
This is the entire loop function:
// Setup:
// Loop
i = 0;
while (i < 256) // Loop once for each LED
if (Serial.available() > 1) // Check for at least two bytes on Serial
byte b1 = Serial.read();
byte b2 = Serial.read();
int c = b1 | (b2 << 8); // Bitshift two bytes into int
byte r = (c & 0x7C00) >> 10; // Extract left most 5 bits
byte g = (c & 0x3E0) >> 5; // Middle 5 bits
byte b = (c & 0x1F); // Right 5 bits
// Set the LED color to RGB * 5 (32 * 4 = 128 = ~50% brightness)
mx.Set(i++, mx.Rgb(r * 4, g * 4, b * 4));
I've tried various methods to solve this problem and none of them have led to anything. What thought do you have about solving this problem? Any help is very appreciated.
Thing I've tried:
- Buffer flushing
- Delays
- Adjusting the data rate
- Adjusting the size of the chunks
- Byte commands to initiate a new read
- Byte send to PC to notify state