I want to use PID to control a line-tracking robot, and what I need is to extract a number from the signals measured from TCRT5000 sensors that represent the position of the line below the robot (for example 0 for the most left and 7000 for the most right). I need that number to feed the PID function.
Is there any possible way to do so?
Post a link to the sensor.
If it is something like this one, most people use the background corrected, weighted average of the sensor readings as the line position.
I use 5 of these: Module Cảm Biến Dò Line Đơn TCRT5000 4 Chân - Nshop (sry for the language)
Should work, if you use the analog signal.
Thanks for your suggestion, I gonna pay some minutes researching.
This tutorial looks pretty good: How to Program a Line Following Robot
I found sth that may be what I need:
However I have quite a concern: if the weight of the center sensor is 0, it won't affect the result.
Try it and see.
I'd tried and had my solution. Thanks for your help.
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