Hello. i'm fairly new to arduino and such and i've written my first program for an x-y mill project that i'm building. I used an uno with it and it works great. I have a new mega2560 that i planned on flashing grbl and making a 3 axis cnc in the future, so i have a lot to figure out.
but i had a question and it's probably stupid. if i upload grbl to the card, and in the future i want to use the card for something else. Is it as simple as uploading a new arduino program, non grbl to the card? and it overwrites all of the grbl code? or would i basically need to erase it and reflash the arduino software back on the card? this is new to me. But i've had times where i had to upload a program onto a usb drive, and to get rid of the program, i basically had to reinstall it's original settings before it acted as a usb drive again.