Question about performance verses IP port

Hey all,
I'm curious if using ports other than 80 would make any difference in the performance of an ethernet shield connected robot?

I made a servo powered device that moves a laser pointer around while I watch on my existing web cam. So far its working great but sometimes the lag is in the 10-14 second range while connected over the internet and in the 5-10 second range while connected over my local network. Sometimes its super responsive, like when the robot is controlled over USB.

I was using external port 8080 forwarded to the arduino web server on port 80.
Would switching them both to, say, port 5000 make any theoretical difference?


as long no network-component (at your provider or your router) doesn't apply QoS-filters that might slow or prioritize port 80 traffic and you don't access the web via a shared proxy configured for port 80 only (so other ports would bypass the proxy), there should'nt be any difference. From the ip-packets point of view all ports are created equal :wink:

  • Norbert

Awesome, thanks for the in depth reply! :slight_smile: