Question about Vin port

How can supply appropriate voltage&Current into Vin Port with 24V 5A Power supply

You'll need to knock the voltage down to the expected range of 7-12V for the Arduino through some external means. Look for a converter 24V->12V (or 24V->9V). There are plenty online.

You can't connect your power supply directly.

You cant. Max V on Vin is 12v. You need a buck converter to reduce the voltage. If you do that just go on down to +5 and use the 5V pin instead to bypass to onboard Vreg.

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How do you think about using resister to solve this problem?

You're probably thinking about a resistor (or voltage) divider. There are several reasons why we don't typically do it this way - see link.

A resistor or resistive diivider will provide a voltage that depends on the current drawn.
You dont want that.
Simplest and safest solution - use a USB charger (AKA wall wart) tp provide 5V and use your big psu for something else.

What model Arduino are you using?

Thanks.. Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

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