Good nite i got a question about this code i wanna put some effect this is original code to start that cube..
* Name : LED CUBE 8x8x8 74HC595
* By :
#include <TimerOne.h>
#include <string.h>
#define AXIS_X 1
#define AXIS_Y 2
#define AXIS_Z 3
//--- Pin connected to ST_CP of 74HC595
//--- Gelbe Leitung RCK
int latchPin = 10;
//--- Pin connected to SH_CP of 74HC595
//--- Schwarze Leitung SCK
int clockPin = 13;
//--- Pin connected to DS of 74HC595
//--- Lila Leitung SI
int dataPin = 11;
//--- Used for faster latching
int latchPinPORTB = latchPin - 8;
//holds value for all the pins, [x][y][z]
byte cube[8][8];
//Counts through the layers
int current_layer = 0;
//--- This process is run by the timer and does the PWM control
void iProcess(){
//last layer store
int oldLayerBit = current_layer + 2;
//increment layer count
if(current_layer >= 8){
current_layer = 0;
//--- Run through all the shift register values and send them (last one first)
// latching in the process
for (int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++){
//Hide the old layer
digitalWrite(oldLayerBit, LOW);
//New data on the pins
//new layer high
digitalWrite(current_layer + 2, HIGH);
//--- Direct port access latching
void latchOn(){
void latchOff(){
//--- Used to setup SPI based on current pin setup
// this is called in the setup routine;
void setupSPI(){
byte clr;
SPCR |= ( (1<<SPE) | (1<<MSTR) ); // enable SPI as master
SPCR &= ~( (1<<SPR1) | (1<<SPR0) ); // clear prescaler bits
clr=SPSR; // clear SPI status reg
clr=SPDR; // clear SPI data reg
SPSR |= (1<<SPI2X); // set prescaler bits
//--- The really fast SPI version of shiftOut
byte spi_transfer(byte data)
SPDR = data; // Start the transmission
loop_until_bit_is_set(SPSR, SPIF);
return SPDR; // return the received byte, we don't need that
void setup() {
//layer pins
for(int i = 2; i < 10; i++)
pinMode(i, OUTPUT);
pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT);
//--- Setup to run SPI
//--- Activate the PWM timer
Timer1.initialize(100); // Timer for updating pwm pins
void loop(){
int i,x,y,z;
while (true)
// effect_random_filler(75,0);
// effect_planboing(AXIS_Z, 700);
//effect_planboing(AXIS_Y, 700);
// effect_planboing(AXIS_X, 700);
// effect_random_sparkle();
//effect_random_sparkle_flash (2, 50 ,500);
// effect_intro();
// effect_wormsqueeze (2, AXIS_Z, -1, 100, 1000);
// sinelines(4000,10);
// side_ripples (300, 500);
// mirror_ripples(600,400);
// quad_ripples (600,300);
// linespin(1500,10);
// fireworks(10,20,500); //10,30,500
// effect_rand_patharound(200,500);
// effect_box_wamp(1000);
// effect_rain(100);
//effect_boxside_randsend_parallel (AXIS_X, 0, 200, 1);
//effect_boxside_randsend_parallel (AXIS_X, 1, 200, 1);
//effect_boxside_randsend_parallel (AXIS_Y, 0, 300, 1);
//effect_boxside_randsend_parallel (AXIS_Y, 1, 300, 1);
//effect_boxside_randsend_parallel (AXIS_Z, 0, 600, 1);
//effect_boxside_randsend_parallel (AXIS_Z, 1, 600, 1);
//effect_axis_updown_randsuspend(AXIS_Z, 550,5000,0);
//effect_axis_updown_randsuspend(AXIS_Z, 550,5000,1);
//effect_axis_updown_randsuspend(AXIS_Z, 550,5000,0);
//effect_axis_updown_randsuspend(AXIS_Z, 550,5000,1);
//effect_axis_updown_randsuspend(AXIS_X, 550,5000,0);
//effect_axis_updown_randsuspend(AXIS_X, 550,5000,1);
//effect_axis_updown_randsuspend(AXIS_Y, 550,5000,0);
//effect_axis_updown_randsuspend(AXIS_Y, 550,5000,1);
how i can put this is the effects on my cube??
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