Questions about Android Application and Arduino

Hi people !

I have a small doubt. I'm able to send characters from my USB keyboard to the apk Amarino on Android. The Amarino receives all the keys that I press. To accomplish this, I programming a code in the Atmega328p and count with the help of a Bluetooth module type "HC" to communicate with my Android Device.

The only keyboard that takes the characters received, is the "EasyMote.apk" (Old "SNES Keyboard), created by the great Rich Degenhardt. But there is a problem in this apk for my purposes. It's only accepts a maximum of sixteen buttons and these are specifically: "W", "S", "A", "D", "J", "U", "1", "2", "K", "I", "L", "R", "and", "Q", "C", "Z". Because Rich's intention is to make this application work only as an SNES controller for Android.

Well, I'd like a keyboard application that works with the Amarino as the EasyMote apk, but that allow me to have access to all the Android keyboard keys.

Is there any Android application like EasyMote, but with all Android keyboard keys ? If there is, could please show me ?

Thank you all for your time and help.

I don't know, but you could look into MIT's Application Builder
We tried it once to just create a couple buttons to have Arduino with Bluetooth module light a couple of LEDs.

"To use App Inventor for Android, you must use a compatible browser.
Currently the supported browsers are:

  • Google Chrome 29+
  • Safari 5+
  • Firefox 23+"

Guess IE11 is not gonna cut it ...

"To use App Inventor for Android, you must use a compatible browser.
Currently the supported...

Thank you very much for answering me. I know this development platform. Also, I have several personal applications. And I thought I'd use it to make a keyboard that interacts with the Amarino.

But unfortunately, it's a limited platform that does not allow for such interaction. The EasyMote quoted in my post, is done in a more advanced platform and I don't know much about java.

I would like to know if there is any application similar to EasyMote, which communicates with the Amarino and allow keyboard control on an Android device. I researched a lot on Google, but, i can't find anything.

Thank you very much for your attention and for your kindness in answering me. Best Regards !

Ok ,best of luck. PC/Android programming is beyond me, need a software engineer to help you there.

Ok ,best of luck. PC/Android programming is beyond me, need a software engineer to help you there.

Anyway, really thank you for your kindness. You try to help me. I appreciate your noble attitude. Thank you very much!

Best Regards.