i have a need to provide power to chips the arduino is interfacing beyond the 500ma the external connector / voltage regulator can provide.
to do this can i:
switch the arduino to external power via jumper (im assuming usb power + external power = bad?)
provide the arduino power through the 5v and gnd header?
also what is the max current draw through the usb, ive heard 100ma and ive heard 500ma
i notice lady ada says this about her motor shield:
If you would like to have the Arduino powered off of USB and the motors powered off of a DC power supply, set the Arduino power jumper to USB, plug the DC power supply into the Arduino, and place the jumper on the motor shield. This is a suggested method of powering your motor project
is it ok to have chips powered off one vcc, but getting digital input from the arduino on another vcc? as long as the gnd's are connected?
The motor shield has its own external power terminal connector, so you can attach a large power supply to those terminals ( 4-6A Power supply ) and then power the arduino using USB or another external PSU and attach a common ground if the shield GND pins are not already connected
power the shield, and provide external power to the idc connectors. the external power supply will have a higher amperage rating that the voltage regulator on the arduino board (i want about 1amp).
if i connected a 5v regulated power supply to the "EXT" connector on top of the shield. what configuration should the arduino be in? ie. jumper to usb or ext?
i would think ext, but ladyada says to have it jumpered for usb power?? when using an external supply.
There is probably a good reason why ladyada says that, I would use the same configuration for starters
If you want to power both boards with 1 power supply you will need to check to see if the +5VDC and GND pins are connected together between the shield and your arduino and verify with a decent meter
I don't have a motor shield to play with so I cannot confirm how it's wired