questionTime Time function

Hi to all, this is my first post!

I also have a question about the time function.

I've had a Arduino for about 2 months, I've been writing small coding
projects to teach myself coding. One project is to display time to a serial LCD. Was able to do that like I wanted too.
The problem comes with the Arduino keeping correct time.
After looking around I found the Time function, but after running it
both the Arduino Pro and Bare Bones runs fast (like 10 minutes/per hour).
My code time was based on the millis/and looping time and I added an adjustment to a delay(adj) to bring it close to correct.
I was thinking the Time function adjustTime() might do that but
it only adjust the current time once and by a full second.
So is there a "second time period adjustment"?
If not I'll go back to my code and increase the value of 1000

if (millis() - lastticktock >= 1000) {
lastticktock = millis();
second++;delay(adj);//define a second and adjust as needed}

You would think lastticktock would equal a second but it does not as the processors clock is off.
Not looking for a most accurate clock, just a close one without using a RTC.

So is there a "second(s) time period adjustment"?
(inside the library function)

56 views no replays :frowning:
nobody likes me. :cry:

I found the Time function
