Quick And Easy Board Selection Question

I received a Roboduino today. Yes, I know it isn't made by Arduino.

The question is: what is the best board selection under Tools/Board in the Arduino IDE?

Looks like it has an FTDI chip so be sure to install the FTDI drivers like you would for a Duemilanove.

The board selection will depend on what bootloader is installed on the ATmega328P. Try selecting "Duemilanove". If that doesn't work, try UNO.

Does your board have an Arduino compatible bootloader already?
If not, are you looking to install one?
If your board has 16 MHz clock source and Atmege328P-xx processor (-PU for DIP, -AU for TQFP, -MU for leadless), then Uno is the best bet.
If not, tell is what it does have, provide a link to it.

The board is an E-Evolution V1.0. It has an ATMega 328P. There is no visible crystal.

How do I tell if it has the bootloader installed. (I can't talk to it.)

If I install the FTDI driver, will the computer be smart enough to use the right driver for the right board? Most of my modules are NOT FTDI.

No crystal, no resonator?
No link to the board?
Most likely internal 8 MHz oscillator than.
Need to select an 8 MHz board type with no oscillator.
Review them here:

Probably one of the Lilypads.
If the FTDI driver is installed, it will show up in Device Manager.
When you plug in, the available COM ports will show up under Tools: Serial Port and should the port with the FTDI chip.
If there's no bootloader, you need to install one to get to a known starting point.

I'm pretty sure it isn't a 'Lilypad'. The board is rectangular and a little bit bigger than an UNO. Looking at the board with the USB and power connectors on the right: The power select is just above the USB port. The ATMega looks like a 14 pin DIP in the upper left. The 'Reset' button is in a corner between the ATMEGA and the ICSP header, which is left center of the board. Above the ATMEGA are two sets of pins in groups of 18, 3 rows deep. The group at the far left is marked 0,1,2,3,4,5. The closer group, center of the board above the ATMEGA is self explanatory: Reset, 3.3 volts, 5 volts, Gnd, Power.There is also an FT232RL right behind the USB port.The two sets of pins at the bottom of the board are marked 0-13. These are three pin per channel. 0 = TX, 1 = RX,3,5,6,9,10,11 are marked PWM as well as the pin number.Above these (Closer to the USB port) there are two single pins marked Gnd and AREF. Above them is another group of three labeled +5 Volts, Pwr, and Vin.

There are 4 LEDs. The green one near the left side of the board is labeled PWR. D3 is yellow, D1 and D2 are red. (Tx/Rx?)

We've kind of moved on to another question, though. My other two Arduino boards are an UNO and a Mega. Both use the Arduino USB driver and work fine. Can I use the FTDI driver and the Arduino driver at the same time? Will the FTDI driver interfere with the Arduino driver and cause me hours of trouble? All I have to do is plug in a cable to try it, but I really don't want to mess up the boards that work.

Ok, your description does not help at all. Post a link to what you have.
Roboduino? E-Evolution V1.0? Show me.

You can have FTDI & Atmega16U2 plugged in at the same time.

This is a picture: http://store.curiousinventor.com/roboduino-assembled-servo-ready-freeduino-arduino-compatible.html. The only differences are the different LED colors and the area around where the crystal is supposed to be.

The Arduino version, with the crystal, has it installed and marked in the Q1 slot to the left and very slightly down from the reset button. It also has two capacitors to it's left. On mine, the crystal looks like a capacitor, and the other two caps are gone.

On mine, the crystal looks like a capacitor, and the other two caps are gone.

That's called a 'ceramic resonator' (or just 'resonator') and it does the same thing as the crystal and two capacitors only not as accurately. The official Arduino UNO uses a resonator so there is nothing wrong with using one.

Yes, looks like a thru-hole Duemilanove.
Install the Uno bootloader on it and go from there.

I'm kind of stuck. Is there a place with step by step instructions for loading the bootloader?

I think Nick Gammon has the best writeup.