**Quick Question About Connecting Two Power Sources**

Hi there!! Quick and simple, possibly stupid question for using an arduino nano controller.

I want to power the nano for an LED project using 12vDC, and power the LED's i'm using with a seperate 5vDC power source.

My question is, do i connect both the 12V and 5V power sources, and the 4 seperate LED strips i am using, all to the same GND connection?

So basically the 12v GND, 5v GND, and LED strips 1 through 4 GND's and the nano GND all to a common point?

I dont know why but having the different voltages makes me skeptical about it. But i feel like everything needs the common GND.

I appreciate any input on the matter!
Thanks so much!

All GNDs connected is the way most peripherals are referenced.

You should draw a proposed schematic before testing the actual circuit.

We can make suggestions on your schematic.

Okay, I'll work on a schematic. Thanks!

Not the best drawing, but should paint the picture.

Are all the grounds together or do I need to seperate the 12v and 5v power supplys somehow?

Wire strips similar to this:

You should avoid using 12V as to is too high; 7 to 9V is a better choice.

In fact, you can power the Nano 5V pin from your external 5V power supply.

Okay, thanks so much.

One more question. When I was using my mega 2560 board, powered with the 5v power supply, it was getting a really weird power drain effect. When my program would be running it would almost lose power when the program was doing something more intense.

Is this just because the mega 2560 board needs a higher voltage power supply to run smoothly?
This wouldn't be an issue with my Nano board running on the 5v power supply?

Thanks again

Would need to see how things above were connected.

A Nano can be powered by the 5V pin as mentioned.

Okay no worries. Thanks so much for all your help :smiling_face:

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