a couple of months ago i made a simple rails application to comunicate with jabber and arduino.
Basically it's just a rails controller with a simple view, when you call the index method(with a GET request) in main_controller.rb it create a connection with a jabber account(set email and password inside the controller) to forward the received message to the received jabber address.
Arduino code
Inside Arduino i make a GET request to my server, first of all you have to retrive your server ip address and replace it in the arduino code:
line 9
byte server[] = {00,00,00,00}; // YOUR SERVER IP
now you can create your message, use a valid jabber address for the recipient value . The url is not restful, i know. I shall find some time soon to implement the restufl URL, anyway is working :]
line 44
/main/index?&recipient=RECIPIENT_EMAIL_ADDRESS&message=MESSAGE HTTP/1.1");
just one thing more, replace HOST_NAME with the host name of your rails application
line 45
client.println("Host: HOST_NAME");
Rails code
this rails application require xmpp4r gem http://home.gna.org/xmpp4r/
and a nice tutorial here FamUndo.com is for sale | HugeDomains
in the main controller you need to setup your jabber account with valid email address and password
Line 9 & 10
the view is just a stupid view :]
that's it :]