Quiz Buzzer with 1 Aduino xbee master and 8 xbee r

I'm still pretty new to the Arduino and xBee transceiver. A friend of mine wondered if it was possible to make a wireless quiz buzzer. And of course me without hesitation I said sure. I'm just not sure of the expense.

I was thinking an Arduino with xBee shield as master and 8 xBee remotes. The Master would talk to the receivers as a group. Each remote would be an xBee with its own have address and a simple logic button to send a high pulse the master. When the master receives a high pulse from the group it will buzz and register the number of the remote button on an LCD screen for the team.

He would like to up to 8 teams in competition at one time. Is it possible to run 9 xBees at a time? And do I have to have an Arduino with each remote?

Thanks for the help!!

Larry O

You need an Arduino with XBee as the receiver. It can listen to any number of XBees.

Each contestant needs a switch and a XBee, but no Arduino. The XBee can be configured to collect sensor data (the switch state) and transmit it, along with other data (the XBee's ID), without the need for another micro-controller.