R3 Bootloader fix without another board?

The UNO R3 I have came with bootloader issues, and the only solution I found in the help section needed another board to burn the bootloader.
Is there any way I can fix it without another board, or am I screwed?

I do not have another board, and I don't want to buy one just to fix the one I currently have.

My current one is 11 months old, and this is the second time I've used it. When I first got it, I made a post asking about why it wasn't working, and then gave up. Pulled it out again today and found my issue. I've also sent a request through the Arduino contact page, I just also want to know what other users think!

The pages I followed, if more detail is required!

It passed the loopback, so I know what my issue is.

You will need a programmer - the HW, to fix the bootloader. It is not necessarily another Arduino. Any ISP programmer. Very cheap is USBasp from Ali or ebay.

Ahh, that's unfortunate. So the only option is using another chip to move stuff over? That's really annoying.

If you have R3 version with the socket, there is an option to buy a new ATmega328P with the uploader and simply replace it. It is available in specialized hobby shops, maybe in your location too.

Can you provide more information about the issue? Just in case it's fixable in some other way, e.g. it may be a driver issue that is stopping you from being able to load a sketch on to it.

I checked the error code against the Support page list, found it, and completed the Loopback test. After that, the solution page is this one: https://support.arduino.cc/hc/en-us/articles/4841602539164-Burn-the-bootloader-on-UNO-Mega-and-classic-Nano-using-another-Arduino
Which I can't do as I don't have another board.

What I want to know is if I can burn the bootloader to my UNO R3 without having to buy anything else.

Hi @skydragonaerial.

As @Budvar10 already explained, this is not possible. But if you are working on Arduino projects it is definitely a good thing to have a spare Arduino board on hand even beyond its immediate use as an "Arduino as ISP" programmer.

Although we should strive to avoid it, as we experiment and develop projects it is inevitable that we will occasionally burn up some hardware. If you have a spare board on hand, you will be able to continue to progress on your project instead of suffering a delay as you wait for a replacement board to be delivered.

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