Rack and pinion bollard using clock/timer and stepper motor

Hello I am making a school project
I am trying to make a bollard that goes up using a stepper motor (activates) at a specific time using a clock .I have been searching a lot and I cant find any code that would help me, also I don't know how to write a code so it would be nice if you could help (very important to me).

Thank you

Welcome to the forum

What experience of the Arduino and electronics in general do you have ?

Important to you is not important to us.

I have been searching a lot and I cant find any code that would help me

You need to break the project down to parts, then build up from there.

I don't know how to write a code

Neither did we, until we learned.

Why not change your project to do something you have the skillset for? Would YOU employ a plumber who had never done any plumbing before? If not, why would you get us to do your work?

All that aside. Have you built the projects physical parts? What is your wiring? What Arduino, Real time clock, Stepper, Stepper driver & power supplies do you have?

How long do you have to learn how to do this? What is your level of education & understanding?

Why a stepper motor? Does the bollard have to stop at some precise position going up or down?!?

Hello, @szymon200506 . This forum is a good place to learn to code. What is the grade level of the project? How much time do you have to get it working? What are the goals of the class assignment that this project addresses?

There should be lots of examples of code for alarm clocks, that sound a buzzer at a specific time. Only a minor change to substitute the motor driving routine for the buzzer.

Do not try to write the entire code at once. Get the various components working first, then incrementally integrate everything together.

Screw drive might be better than a rack and pinion, a stepper motor would need to be constantly powered to hold up any weight on a rack and pinion. DC motor with limit switched would be another option.

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