Radio Feasible method of communication for this?

Hey guys and gals,

I have a project that uses a pir, whenever the pir triggers I want to wirelessly send a packet containing at most one byte(basically an id).
My idea was to use short range radio, the max distance would be around 90 meters.

I do not have much experience with this type of communication but my ideas was using xbee or some kind of radio transmitter and set it to a certain
frequency, using my android device I will "tune" to that frequency to "listen" for when the pir is triggered(demodulate the id from the radio wave through application code on the phone).

Is this feasible?

Some things to note:
I would like this to be usable outside in dense areas/thick foliage.
An uptime of 3 or 4 days would be great.

Many Android devices will have built-in Bluetooth, WiFi and GSM - Bluetooth is too short-range so a WiFi or GSM solution is suggested.

Alternatively if you add a receiver to the Android device one of the ISM band transmitter-receiver pairs could be employed.

A GSM shield can send a text message to your phone. You will need a SIM card / mobile account; last time I looked pre-paid cards were less than $50. You can send a lot of text messages before you need to re-fill the card.

The IOIO with a Class 1 bluetooth dongle MIGHT be able to get that far, but it will mostly depend on your phone's transmission power and antenna.

You can use a Zigbee or one of the many other RF links to a "repeater" near the phone which connects via bluetooth.

I am looking for a simple way to use the WiFi in my phone, but have been unsuccessful so far. If you find something, please post it.