This forum works best when you properly post your code, and tell us what it does versus what you want it to do. We provide help to get your code working. The Arduino IDE makes it relatively easy to write your own code.
If you want code written for you, post in "Gigs and Collaborations" and bring your wallet. If you have a deadline, then tell them about it and bring a bigger wallet.
Most people will not do your homework or a school project for you. Maybe you will get lucky.
If you get REALLY lucky, no one will write the code for you, but we will provide enough hints to allow you to write the code.
Your project is dirt simple, so there is no reason you shouldn't be able to write the code yourself.
You have some mysterious rain sensor that only you can see. The manufacturer has provided more details about how to power the sensor, and how to read data from it. YOU will have to go look at the manufacturer's site to get that information, because YOU failed to provide the manufacturer's name or the part number (as a link, not text).
Once you know how to get data from the sensor, an if statement is trivial to construct. Calling turnLeft() or turnRight() is trivial.
Creating the functions turnLeft() and turnRight() is trivial. Writing the code for them may, or may not, be trivial, depending on what the incomplete requirement spec "turn left in 10s then stop" means and on how the undefined motor is connected to the Arduino.
Turn left 10 degrees? Turn left 10 steps? Turn left for 10 minutes?
Take a really good look at your motor. Is there a snowball's chance in hell that it can turn left? NO. It can rotate clockwise or it can rotate counterclockwise. Left and right mean NOTHING to a motor.
A concise, well written requirements document, with complete specifications for the hardware, is step 1. You are still at step 0.