I was wondering it there is a way to collect data with an Arduino Mega given by a device that uses: RS232, RS422, *RS485 (*2 wire point to point) or SDI-12. (RS232 point to point and RS485 2 wire networkable – MODBUS RTU/ASCII). Very new but have some help with some electrical engineer majors. http://gillinstruments.com/data/manuals/1957-PS-001%20Maximet%20Manual%20Issue%208%20for%20GMX%20100,%20200,%20300,%20301,%20400,%20500,%20501%20and%20600.pdf
I was wondering it there is a way to collect data with an Arduino Mega given by a device that uses: RS232, RS422, *RS485
Yup, geta Mega and a '485 interface board.
Google "Arduino rs485"
This was one of the first hits: RS485 serial communications
So definitely need another board? I know you I have seen the same with the rs232 with the max233 chip. Don’t laugh but there isn’t a library to convert them without? I have looked and seen SDI-12 but needs more power than Arduino can handle.
So definitely need another board? I know you I have seen the same with the rs232 with the max233 chip. Don’t laugh but there isn’t a library to convert them without? I have looked and seen SDI-12 but needs more power than Arduino can handle.
RS485 uses low-voltage differential signals, so you need an RS485 interface.
RS232 is often +/-5V or +/-12v signalling, so you need something like the max232 chip.
So, you do need some board to convert the voltage levels to be able to connect it to a Mega.
Thanks, max232 it is. I just hope it reads just off the Arduino. Lol