Rainbowduino and 64 RGB Leds

Hello all :slight_smile:

I am all new to Arduino, and i have basic electronics knowledge.

I read about the Rainbowduino Controller and ran thru the pdf provided.

My question: Would it be possible to control 64 RGB 4-Pin Leds with the Rainbowduino? I always see this prebuilt 8x8 Matrix with this handy Pins coming out on the bottom, stacked upon the Rainbowduino
but never saw any hand-wired Leds controlled by Rainbowduino.

Is it possible to let the Rainbowduino react on "input" e.g. Potentiometers for speed, or is it a "output-only-device" ?

Thanks so much in advance!



If you have the correct type of LED and do all the wiring yourself, the RD can control 64 individual LEDs. Lots of work.

I think the RD has one or two ADC inputs for interaction, should be in the datasheet. Some other LED controllers offer more IO pins, but have other weaknesses.

Thanks for your answer madworm :slight_smile:

I know that attaching/soldering 64 x 4 wires for the leds only will be a pain, but i guess the result will be worth it :slight_smile:

I will order 4 pin leds with a common anode, is this correct?

1 or 2 channel will be enough, as I just want one controller.

Much appreciated,
