I am all new to Arduino, and i have basic electronics knowledge.
I read about the Rainbowduino Controller and ran thru the pdf provided.
My question: Would it be possible to control 64 RGB 4-Pin Leds with the Rainbowduino? I always see this prebuilt 8x8 Matrix with this handy Pins coming out on the bottom, stacked upon the Rainbowduino
but never saw any hand-wired Leds controlled by Rainbowduino.
Is it possible to let the Rainbowduino react on "input" e.g. Potentiometers for speed, or is it a "output-only-device" ?
If you have the correct type of LED and do all the wiring yourself, the RD can control 64 individual LEDs. Lots of work.
I think the RD has one or two ADC inputs for interaction, should be in the datasheet. Some other LED controllers offer more IO pins, but have other weaknesses.