Sir, Now it is after updating the arduino IDE there are two Rainmaker partition scheme 4MB and 8MB. On ESP32 Devkit board if i choose 4MB then error message "Compilation error: text section exceeds available space in board" and if i choose 8MB then error message "Partition ota_1 invalid: Offset 0x3fd000 is not aligned to 0x10000" but 6month ago it works fine as there are only "Rainmaker" partition scheme. I am using RMakerSwich example code. Please suggest me a solution
What did you update? IDE (from which version to which version)? Or ESP32 board package (from which version to which version)? Or ...
Which board did you exactly select in the IDE?
Sir, Arduino IDE 2.1.0 to 2.3.3
I am using only uploading RMakerSwich example code on my ESP32 Devkit V1 (ESP WROOM 32) board.
6 Months ago the same code on same board uploaded finely (Partition Scheme>Rainmaker). but now there are two option Rainmaker 4MB & 8MB. now i select Rainmaker 4MB option. got the error message ""Sketch uses 2081853 bytes (158%) of program storage space. Maximum is 1310720 bytes.
Global variables use 63340 bytes (19%) of dynamic memory, leaving 264340 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 327680 bytes.
Sketch too big; see for tips on reducing it.
text section exceeds available space in board
Compilation error: text section exceeds available space in board"
Please tell me which exact board you selected under tools/board/esp32; and I mean exact.
An upgrade of the IDE will not give you suddenly a new "rainmaker"option. An upgrade of the ESP32 board package might give you that additional option.
6 months ago you might have been using ESP32 board package 2.x instead of ESP board package 3.x. So you can check if rolling back of the ESP32 board package will solve your problem. I do not know how far you have to roll back (I would try the latest 2.x version first and slowly work your way up through newer versions).
I do not use ESP32 stuff so can't really help further why you get the exact error.
Sir, i selected "Board: ESP 32 Dev Module"
Sir, you are right, an upgrade of the ESP32 board package might give me that additional option.
If i choose ESP32 board which have 8MB flash memory and selecting "Partition scheme: Rainmaker 8MB" the problem can be eliminated or not?
Please suggest me.
I really do not know. I don't have your board to test with.
I would roll back the ESP32 board package using the board manager.
In the image, 3.0.7 is currently installed. Select 2.0.17 from the drop down and click install.
That will give you back the "old" options.
I do not know in which version the options changed, you can work your way through the various 3.x versions if so inclined.