you may reckognize a post i did earlier, about variables and how i should have put them outside the setup() code. well, i have another problem. the random function is not working properly. i tested by rebooting the arduino over and over again, and it always returned the same result. i know again some of this is about displays, but it is the random function not working not display stuff.the random() functions are located on lines 48 and 49. here is my code:
#include <LCDWIKI_GUI.h> //Core graphics library
#include <LCDWIKI_KBV.h> //Hardware-specific library
//the definiens of 16bit mode as follow:
//if the IC model is known or the modules is unreadable,you can use this constructed function
LCDWIKI_KBV mylcd(ILI9486,40,38,39,-1,41); //model,cs,cd,wr,rd,reset
//define some colour values
#define BLACK 0x0000
#define BLUE 0x001F
#define RED 0xF800
#define GREEN 0x07E0
#define CYAN 0x07FF
#define MAGENTA 0xF81F
#define YELLOW 0xFFE0
#define WHITE 0xFFFF
#define ORANGE 0xFF8C
#define BROWN 0x79E0
#define LIGHT_GREY 0xBDF7
#define DARK_GREY 0x7BEF
#define GREEN 0x07E0
void generate_spr1_vars() {
int side = random(2);
int length = random(50, 170);
if (side == 1) {
int x1spr1 = mylcd.Get_Display_Width()-length;
int y1spr1 = mylcd.Get_Display_Height()-10; //-i
int x2spr1 = mylcd.Get_Display_Width();
int y2spr1 = mylcd.Get_Display_Height(); //-i
else {
int x1spr1 = 0;
int y1spr1 = mylcd.Get_Display_Height()-10; //-i
int x2spr1 = length;
int y2spr2 = mylcd.Get_Display_Height(); //-i
void generate_rectangle(int i) {
int side = random(2);
int length = random(50, 170);
if (side == 1) {
mylcd.Fill_Rectangle(mylcd.Get_Display_Width()-length, mylcd.Get_Display_Height()-10-i, mylcd.Get_Display_Width(), mylcd.Get_Display_Height()-i);
else {
mylcd.Fill_Rectangle(0, mylcd.Get_Display_Height()-10-i, length, mylcd.Get_Display_Height()-i);
//define variables outside of setup so they are GLOBAL
int x1spr1 = 0;
int y1spr1 = 0;
int x2spr1 = 0;
int y2spr1 = 0;
void setup() {
//set the sprite heights
int spr1height = 0;
int spr2height = 0;
int spr3height = 0;
int spr4height = 0;
int spr5height = 0;
int spr6height = 0;
//get sprites 1 through 6 on the screen
//generate sprite 1 variables
int side = random(2);
int length = random(50, 170);
if (side == 1) {
x1spr1 = mylcd.Get_Display_Width()-length;
y1spr1 = mylcd.Get_Display_Height()-10; //-i
x2spr1 = mylcd.Get_Display_Width();
y2spr1 = mylcd.Get_Display_Height(); //-i
else {
x1spr1 = 0;
y1spr1 = mylcd.Get_Display_Height()-10; //-i
x2spr1 = length;
y2spr1 = mylcd.Get_Display_Height(); //-i
//actually generate sprite 1
mylcd.Fill_Rectangle(x1spr1, y1spr1-spr1height, x2spr1, y2spr1-spr1height);
for(int i = 1; i < 35; ++i) {
//new frame
mylcd.Fill_Rectangle(x1spr1, y1spr1-spr1height, x2spr1, y2spr1-spr1height);
spr1height = ++spr1height;
spr1height = ++spr1height;
spr1height = ++spr1height;
spr1height = ++spr1height;
spr1height = ++spr1height;
spr1height = ++spr1height;
spr1height = ++spr1height;
mylcd.Fill_Rectangle(x1spr1, y1spr1-spr1height, x2spr1, y2spr1-spr1height);
/*void loop() {
//generate sprite 1 variables
int side = random(2);
int length = random(50, 170);
if (side == 1) {
int x1spr1 = mylcd.Get_Display_Width()-length;
int y1spr1 = mylcd.Get_Display_Height()-10; //-i
int x2spr1 = mylcd.Get_Display_Width();
int y2spr1 = mylcd.Get_Display_Height(); //-i
else {
int x1spr1 = 0;
int y1spr1 = mylcd.Get_Display_Height()-10; //-i
int x2spr1 = length;
int y2spr2 = mylcd.Get_Display_Height(); //-i
//move sprites 1 through 6 up
void loop() {
//this is just so i dont get any errors if i dont have a loop in my code! ;)
i hope the code clarifies anything about my problem. all answer are appreciated!