Random pixels on ST7735S 160x80 0.96" display

Hello , I am a 14 years old boy and I am doing MakerMoekoe's ESP32 Picoremote (https://github.com/makermoekoe/ESP32Picoremote) and everything is working well , except the display. On first try , the codes I was trying were working correctly including the display and I was able to show text on the display , but after a moment , the display started showing random pixels like in the image below (it is not my picture so it is not the same display as me) and I did not modify the codes .

I modified nothing to MakerMoekoe's PCB for the ESP32 Picoremote except the antenna (I dont think that it is what affect the display) .The PCB and the schematics are in the link provided above. The display is a ST7735S 160x80 0.96" . Also , I tried many displays (from different stores) and they all did the same thing. Could anyone help me solve this problem?

Finally after searching a bit , the display was only not soldered correctly . So now it works perfectly.

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