Range of MFRC522 in Arduino usage

Hello there, new person here. I was using the MFRC522 RFID Reader in a small project of mine, and I am using the tag instead of the card to trigger the reader. My question is that will the reader be able to read the tag from a distance of maximum 5cm, like the datasheet says or is an external antenna required?

Warm Regards

If assembled properly I see no reason why it would not work.

Hi there. A few forums I have been to indicate that an external antenna is required to extend the range (obviously), but those distances are >10cm and more, while mine is just within the in built functioning range, so technically.... should be as you said right?

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Ok so, I've tried assembling the reader, with the help of Adding AttennaOff and get/set of AntennaGain by mdxs · Pull Request #47 · miguelbalboa/rfid · GitHub, I manage to increase the read range from 1cm to 2cm, but is it possible to increase it further to around 4cm, as the datasheet says? Or is an external antenna/reader such as 13.56MHz 8cm RF Module External Round Antenna Coil Diameter 12.3cm 6256299357033 | eBay is needed?

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