range sensor+wireless transmitter+ led+sound emitter

Hi, I am very new to this stuff, but I desperately need some advice for an art piece I am making for a big art competition.
I would like to create a device that has a range sensor that -when triggered- wirelessly transmits a signal to nearby art works that'll have an LED light (1 light per artwork, 2 works total). I would like there to be a noise emitted along with the lights turning on and off, and if possible I would like for the range sensor to be connected to a tablet that'll be between the two artworks. (The tablet will act as a guide to my display) as you probably guessed, the idea is that when a viewer comes within range between the artworks the lights will turn on along with a humming noise, drawing the viewer closer to the works.
My question is, what parts do I need for such a project? Smaller, and of course, the less complicated the better. I will have a friend helping me with programming the arduino, I just need to have the shopping list. Thanks!