Raspberry Pi to Arduino usb port issue

i am trying to connect a Raspberry Pi to a Arduino Duemilanove started Graphic interfaces selected the correct board selected the only USB port ( dev/tty/USB0) this the only port listed but i using both ports on the Raspberry Pi, but this is not talking to the board i get the error message on the ardunio ( Connection timed out, programmer is not responding) and the indicators lights TX and RX are not flashing.
any ideas i am a real newie on Linux any help would be greatly welcome.


hi guys.
do you know if this can be done ? or do you need more info from me maybe i did not explain very well please advise.

thank chilliman

Its a known issue on the Pi that it doesn't work with tty-serial adapters too well. The USB implementation on the Pi is weak.

I get around it with my 'cheap arduino'

It connects onto the Pi's GPIO pins and I talk to it via /dev/ttyAMA0

I would have my doubts it would work trying to program it from the Pi though.

I just tried connecting my Pi to a Mega 1280. The IDE compiled and uploaded sketches fine - it is slow to compile the first time but faster after that. However the serial monitor is too slow to be usable. Using minicom in a terminal worked better for serial communication.

Are you using the latest Raspbian (released Sep 17th)? Also make sure you have the right board selected in the tools menu, and preferably use an external power supply for the Arduino.

Thanks for the info, i had the IDE to see the broad and one port ( dev/tty/USB0) but when i try and write to board from the Pi nothing happens but i am using 2 USB ports on the PI but the arduino only shows one ?
