Raspberry PI

Loaded the Arduino agent on my Raspberry PI 3 and it's showing fine in the web editor. For the life of me I can't figure out how to do the following:

  1. "Monitor" or the web version of serial print
  2. Deal with IP. Would like to use MQTT but not clear how you handle libraries that need a Ethernet or WiFi library

Any guidance would be great.


This works for me.

void setup() {

uint32_t loopCount=0;

void loop() {
  DebugSerial.print("hello ");

This works for me.

void setup() {


uint32_t loopCount=0;

void loop() {
  DebugSerial.print("hello ");

Perfect, is that documented somewhere? Do you know how to deal with Ethernet based libraries? As an example I have a MQTT library that normally would use a WiFi or Ethernet library. Not sure how to deal with that on the rPI.

No idea how to do anything else. I saw an DebugSerial used in an example for a Intel x86 board running Linux. I assume we have to wait for Raspberry Pi examples and docs.