This is more of just a question than a problem that I have yet been able to find a straight yes or no answer to searching Google.
Does the MicroPython need (or suggested) to be installed on the Raspberry Pico to operate properly. I have had luck without it using Arduino alone when uploading code to the device.
If it is suggested, what are the advantages of having it on the device even though I am using Arduino IDE to program it?
Yes it needs to be installed on the Pico if you want to program it in Python. Otherwise do not install it. If you want to change what you have then use the flash_nuke.uf2 file to wipe the memory clean.
None at all. In fact it might even get wiped when you program it in C or at best it just reduces the amount of free memory you have.
The Arduino IDE can only program the Pico in C. If you want to use Micro Python then you have to get another editor to do this. I use Thonny when I want to use either Micro Python or AdaFruit's Circuit python.
I understand that you might be able to run Python on one core and C on the another but I have not tried that.
Note there are two alternative frameworks for programming a Pico in C on an Arduino IDE, the Mbed and the Earle Philhower. These both install their own bootloader into the Pico.
Ok that sounds good. I have seen information on the alternative frameworks which I chose to use Earle Philhower's which seems to have more options I would use. But your first part of your answer is the best and most direct answer I've seen on the internet that I actually understood, LOL.