RC car with collision avoidance

Hello guys

I am trying to make an autonomous car that avoids obstacles using fuzzy logic. the input of the fuzzy logic will be the current speed and the distance and the output will be the speed of the 2 motors (left and right).

I am going to use

  1. Arduino uno r3 board
  2. IR Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensors
  3. Smart Robot Car Chassis Kit
  4. L298N Module Motor Drive Controller Board

my question is how to program it with fuzzy logic and if I need to add more parts?

Use the same concepts you have used in other fuzzy logic programs.

I have never wrote fuzzy logic codes

Then get a book on the topic.

With only two inputs why do you need fuzzy?

I have to do a project using fuzzy logic

Have you started, yet?

I am about to order the parts needed.

There are quite a few tutorials on the inernet for obstacle avoiding robots
They all seem to use an ultrasonic sensor not IR.

There are the Sharp GP2Y0A21YK0F et al. IR distance sensors that were much liked ~ 10-20 years ago. US is not so great if you have pets.

Hopefully you will use deductive logic to get all the bugs out of your project before trying fuzzy logic.

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