Rc cars have a rx2/tx2 chip pair cmos - how are these chips actually programmed

I saw some posts using an Arduino to talk to the chip and bypass antenna. I am really confused on how these chips actually work / programed etc.

Here is data sheet.

Can I connect to the chip download firmware and use binary analysis tools ? Can I write to the chip ? I’m new to this world and having a really hard time understanding what goes on inside CPU how designed programmed

The RX2/TX2 chips are not programmable. They are special purpose ICs that form parts of a remote control system for cheap toys.

Thanks - if I wanted for example to make a large scale version of the chip to understand how it works what would i search or look for.

You could ask the manufacturer for the design info, but it is almost certainly proprietary.

Special purpose ICs have been developed and sold since about 1970, so you have about 50 years of history to catch up on. The keyword is "ASIC" for Application Specific Integrated Circuit.

It would be much more worth your while to study general purpose ICs, like logic gates, going all the way up to microprocessor chips like the ATMega328 used in the Arduino Uno. The manufacturers WANT you to understand how they work, so you will be inspired to buy and use them for new projects.

great i will check them out - thank you for your help.