RC ppm reading code with motor control.combining sketch issue

I'm using some code to read the ppm signal from an RC receiver. this works good on its own. I am wanting to use these values to run a pololu motor driver board. I have had the motor driver working with an analog joystick just fine but I can't quite get the 2 pieces of code to work together.

Here is what I have:

#include <DualG2HighPowerMotorShield.h>
DualG2HighPowerMotorShield24v14 md;
#define RECEIVE_PIN 2
#define DETECTION_SPACE 2500

int ch[CHANNEL_AMOUNT + 1];
int move; // Forward/Back speed
int turn; // Turning Factor
void setup()
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(RECEIVE_PIN), ppm_interrupt, METHOD);

void loop()

void ppm_write()
static unsigned long int t;
if (millis() - t < 100)
return 0;
for (byte i = 0; i < CHANNEL_AMOUNT + 1; i++)
t = millis();

void ppm_interrupt()
static byte i;
static unsigned long int t_old;
unsigned long int t = micros(); //store time value a when pin value falling/rising
unsigned long int dt = t - t_old; //calculating time inbetween two peaks
t_old = t;

i = 0;
ch[i++] = dt;


{ //I am not sure whre to place this portion to not affect the isr above

  delay(1);  // The drivers require a maximum of 1ms to elapse when brought out of sleep mode.
  //  stopIfFault();

 //   stopIfFault();    

    move = map(ch[3], 1000, 2000, -400, 400); //center over zero

    turn = map(ch[1], 1000, 2000, -400, 400);

    if(turn>0){md.setM2Speed(move-turn); md.setM1Speed(move);};
if(turn<0){md.setM1Speed(move-abs(turn)); md.setM2Speed(move);};
//Serial.println(move); Where to place this for debugging?

I'm not sure if the syntax is incorrect or if it is because one uses interrupts and the other uses timer functions.

I am getting a compiler issue currently because of syntax.

So post the entire text of the error. Your paraphasing leaves out all of the information that we need to be able to help you.

Also a link to the motor driver library may be needed.

after some trial and error I have gotten it to compile and upload but when running it immediately goes into motor fault with or without having the driver board connected. I'm going through their forum to see if its an issue with the library and timing.