Rc-switch receive data with custom protocol


I'm struggling to receive data from my rain gauge with rc-switch. I would expect the code below to register and output the messages sent by the rain gauge to the serial terminal. However the serial monitor provides no output.

I have implemented a custom protocol (nr. 13) in RCSwitch.cpp:

  RCSwitch - Arduino libary for remote control outlet switches
  Copyright (c) 2011 Suat Özgür.  All right reserved.
  - Andre Koehler / info(at)tomate-online(dot)de
  - Gordeev Andrey Vladimirovich / gordeev(at)openpyro(dot)com
  - Skineffect / http://forum.ardumote.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=46
  - Dominik Fischer / dom_fischer(at)web(dot)de
  - Frank Oltmanns / <first name>.<last name>(at)gmail(dot)com
  - Andreas Steinel / A.<lastname>(at)gmail(dot)com
  - Max Horn / max(at)quendi(dot)de
  - Robert ter Vehn / <first name>.<last name>(at)gmail(dot)com
  - Johann Richard / <first name>.<last name>(at)gmail(dot)com
  - Vlad Gheorghe / <first name>.<last name>(at)gmail(dot)com https://github.com/vgheo
  - Matias Cuenca-Acuna 
  Project home: https://github.com/sui77/rc-switch/

  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

#include "RCSwitch.h"

#ifdef RaspberryPi
    // PROGMEM and _P functions are for AVR based microprocessors,
    // so we must normalize these for the ARM processor:
    #define PROGMEM
    #define memcpy_P(dest, src, num) memcpy((dest), (src), (num))

#if defined(ESP8266)
    // interrupt handler and related code must be in RAM on ESP8266,
    // according to issue #46.
    #define VAR_ISR_ATTR
#elif defined(ESP32)
    #define RECEIVE_ATTR
    #define VAR_ISR_ATTR

/* Format for protocol definitions:
 * {pulselength, Sync bit, "0" bit, "1" bit, invertedSignal}
 * pulselength: pulse length in microseconds, e.g. 350
 * Sync bit: {1, 31} means 1 high pulse and 31 low pulses
 *     (perceived as a 31*pulselength long pulse, total length of sync bit is
 *     32*pulselength microseconds), i.e:
 *      _
 *     | |_______________________________ (don't count the vertical bars)
 * "0" bit: waveform for a data bit of value "0", {1, 3} means 1 high pulse
 *     and 3 low pulses, total length (1+3)*pulselength, i.e:
 *      _
 *     | |___
 * "1" bit: waveform for a data bit of value "1", e.g. {3,1}:
 *      ___
 *     |   |_
 * These are combined to form Tri-State bits when sending or receiving codes.
#if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32)
static const VAR_ISR_ATTR RCSwitch::Protocol proto[] = {
static const RCSwitch::Protocol PROGMEM proto[] = {
  { 350, {  1, 31 }, {  1,  3 }, {  3,  1 }, false },    // protocol 1
  { 650, {  1, 10 }, {  1,  2 }, {  2,  1 }, false },    // protocol 2
  { 100, { 30, 71 }, {  4, 11 }, {  9,  6 }, false },    // protocol 3
  { 380, {  1,  6 }, {  1,  3 }, {  3,  1 }, false },    // protocol 4
  { 500, {  6, 14 }, {  1,  2 }, {  2,  1 }, false },    // protocol 5
  { 450, { 23,  1 }, {  1,  2 }, {  2,  1 }, true },     // protocol 6 (HT6P20B)
  { 150, {  2, 62 }, {  1,  6 }, {  6,  1 }, false },    // protocol 7 (HS2303-PT, i. e. used in AUKEY Remote)
  { 200, {  3, 130}, {  7, 16 }, {  3,  16}, false},     // protocol 8 Conrad RS-200 RX
  { 200, { 130, 7 }, {  16, 7 }, { 16,  3 }, true},      // protocol 9 Conrad RS-200 TX
  { 365, { 18,  1 }, {  3,  1 }, {  1,  3 }, true },     // protocol 10 (1ByOne Doorbell)
  { 270, { 36,  1 }, {  1,  2 }, {  2,  1 }, true },     // protocol 11 (HT12E)
  { 320, { 36,  1 }, {  1,  2 }, {  2,  1 }, true },     // protocol 12 (SM5212)
  { 250, {  3,  3 }, {  2,  1 }, {  1,  2 }, false },    // protocol 13 (tfa_drop_30.3233)

enum {
   numProto = sizeof(proto) / sizeof(proto[0])

#if not defined( RCSwitchDisableReceiving )
volatile unsigned long RCSwitch::nReceivedValue = 0;
volatile unsigned int RCSwitch::nReceivedBitlength = 0;
volatile unsigned int RCSwitch::nReceivedDelay = 0;
volatile unsigned int RCSwitch::nReceivedProtocol = 0;
int RCSwitch::nReceiveTolerance = 60;
const unsigned int RCSwitch::nSeparationLimit = 1500;
// separationLimit: minimum microseconds between received codes, closer codes are ignored.
// according to discussion on issue #14 it might be more suitable to set the separation
// limit to the same time as the 'low' part of the sync signal for the current protocol.
unsigned int RCSwitch::timings[RCSWITCH_MAX_CHANGES];

RCSwitch::RCSwitch() {
  this->nTransmitterPin = -1;
  #if not defined( RCSwitchDisableReceiving )
  this->nReceiverInterrupt = -1;
  RCSwitch::nReceivedValue = 0;

  * Sets the protocol to send.
void RCSwitch::setProtocol(Protocol protocol) {
  this->protocol = protocol;

  * Sets the protocol to send, from a list of predefined protocols
void RCSwitch::setProtocol(int nProtocol) {
  if (nProtocol < 1 || nProtocol > numProto) {
    nProtocol = 1;  // TODO: trigger an error, e.g. "bad protocol" ???
#if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32)
  this->protocol = proto[nProtocol-1];
  memcpy_P(&this->protocol, &proto[nProtocol-1], sizeof(Protocol));

  * Sets the protocol to send with pulse length in microseconds.
void RCSwitch::setProtocol(int nProtocol, int nPulseLength) {

  * Sets pulse length in microseconds
void RCSwitch::setPulseLength(int nPulseLength) {
  this->protocol.pulseLength = nPulseLength;

 * Sets Repeat Transmits
void RCSwitch::setRepeatTransmit(int nRepeatTransmit) {
  this->nRepeatTransmit = nRepeatTransmit;

 * Set Receiving Tolerance
#if not defined( RCSwitchDisableReceiving )
void RCSwitch::setReceiveTolerance(int nPercent) {
  RCSwitch::nReceiveTolerance = nPercent;

 * Enable transmissions
 * @param nTransmitterPin    Arduino Pin to which the sender is connected to
void RCSwitch::enableTransmit(int nTransmitterPin) {
  this->nTransmitterPin = nTransmitterPin;
  pinMode(this->nTransmitterPin, OUTPUT);

  * Disable transmissions
void RCSwitch::disableTransmit() {
  this->nTransmitterPin = -1;

 * Switch a remote switch on (Type D REV)
 * @param sGroup        Code of the switch group (A,B,C,D)
 * @param nDevice       Number of the switch itself (1..3)
void RCSwitch::switchOn(char sGroup, int nDevice) {
  this->sendTriState( this->getCodeWordD(sGroup, nDevice, true) );

 * Switch a remote switch off (Type D REV)
 * @param sGroup        Code of the switch group (A,B,C,D)
 * @param nDevice       Number of the switch itself (1..3)
void RCSwitch::switchOff(char sGroup, int nDevice) {
  this->sendTriState( this->getCodeWordD(sGroup, nDevice, false) );

 * Switch a remote switch on (Type C Intertechno)
 * @param sFamily  Familycode (a..f)
 * @param nGroup   Number of group (1..4)
 * @param nDevice  Number of device (1..4)
void RCSwitch::switchOn(char sFamily, int nGroup, int nDevice) {
  this->sendTriState( this->getCodeWordC(sFamily, nGroup, nDevice, true) );

 * Switch a remote switch off (Type C Intertechno)
 * @param sFamily  Familycode (a..f)
 * @param nGroup   Number of group (1..4)
 * @param nDevice  Number of device (1..4)
void RCSwitch::switchOff(char sFamily, int nGroup, int nDevice) {
  this->sendTriState( this->getCodeWordC(sFamily, nGroup, nDevice, false) );

 * Switch a remote switch on (Type B with two rotary/sliding switches)
 * @param nAddressCode  Number of the switch group (1..4)
 * @param nChannelCode  Number of the switch itself (1..4)
void RCSwitch::switchOn(int nAddressCode, int nChannelCode) {
  this->sendTriState( this->getCodeWordB(nAddressCode, nChannelCode, true) );

 * Switch a remote switch off (Type B with two rotary/sliding switches)
 * @param nAddressCode  Number of the switch group (1..4)
 * @param nChannelCode  Number of the switch itself (1..4)
void RCSwitch::switchOff(int nAddressCode, int nChannelCode) {
  this->sendTriState( this->getCodeWordB(nAddressCode, nChannelCode, false) );

 * Deprecated, use switchOn(const char* sGroup, const char* sDevice) instead!
 * Switch a remote switch on (Type A with 10 pole DIP switches)
 * @param sGroup        Code of the switch group (refers to DIP switches 1..5 where "1" = on and "0" = off, if all DIP switches are on it's "11111")
 * @param nChannelCode  Number of the switch itself (1..5)
void RCSwitch::switchOn(const char* sGroup, int nChannel) {
  const char* code[6] = { "00000", "10000", "01000", "00100", "00010", "00001" };
  this->switchOn(sGroup, code[nChannel]);

 * Deprecated, use switchOff(const char* sGroup, const char* sDevice) instead!
 * Switch a remote switch off (Type A with 10 pole DIP switches)
 * @param sGroup        Code of the switch group (refers to DIP switches 1..5 where "1" = on and "0" = off, if all DIP switches are on it's "11111")
 * @param nChannelCode  Number of the switch itself (1..5)
void RCSwitch::switchOff(const char* sGroup, int nChannel) {
  const char* code[6] = { "00000", "10000", "01000", "00100", "00010", "00001" };
  this->switchOff(sGroup, code[nChannel]);

 * Switch a remote switch on (Type A with 10 pole DIP switches)
 * @param sGroup        Code of the switch group (refers to DIP switches 1..5 where "1" = on and "0" = off, if all DIP switches are on it's "11111")
 * @param sDevice       Code of the switch device (refers to DIP switches 6..10 (A..E) where "1" = on and "0" = off, if all DIP switches are on it's "11111")
void RCSwitch::switchOn(const char* sGroup, const char* sDevice) {
  this->sendTriState( this->getCodeWordA(sGroup, sDevice, true) );

 * Switch a remote switch off (Type A with 10 pole DIP switches)
 * @param sGroup        Code of the switch group (refers to DIP switches 1..5 where "1" = on and "0" = off, if all DIP switches are on it's "11111")
 * @param sDevice       Code of the switch device (refers to DIP switches 6..10 (A..E) where "1" = on and "0" = off, if all DIP switches are on it's "11111")
void RCSwitch::switchOff(const char* sGroup, const char* sDevice) {
  this->sendTriState( this->getCodeWordA(sGroup, sDevice, false) );

 * Returns a char[13], representing the code word to be send.
char* RCSwitch::getCodeWordA(const char* sGroup, const char* sDevice, bool bStatus) {
  static char sReturn[13];
  int nReturnPos = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    sReturn[nReturnPos++] = (sGroup[i] == '0') ? 'F' : '0';

  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    sReturn[nReturnPos++] = (sDevice[i] == '0') ? 'F' : '0';

  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = bStatus ? '0' : 'F';
  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = bStatus ? 'F' : '0';

  sReturn[nReturnPos] = '\0';
  return sReturn;

 * Encoding for type B switches with two rotary/sliding switches.
 * The code word is a tristate word and with following bit pattern:
 * +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+----------+------------+
 * | 4 bits address              | 4 bits address              | 3 bits   | 1 bit      |
 * | switch group                | switch number               | not used | on / off   |
 * | 1=0FFF 2=F0FF 3=FF0F 4=FFF0 | 1=0FFF 2=F0FF 3=FF0F 4=FFF0 | FFF      | on=F off=0 |
 * +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+----------+------------+
 * @param nAddressCode  Number of the switch group (1..4)
 * @param nChannelCode  Number of the switch itself (1..4)
 * @param bStatus       Whether to switch on (true) or off (false)
 * @return char[13], representing a tristate code word of length 12
char* RCSwitch::getCodeWordB(int nAddressCode, int nChannelCode, bool bStatus) {
  static char sReturn[13];
  int nReturnPos = 0;

  if (nAddressCode < 1 || nAddressCode > 4 || nChannelCode < 1 || nChannelCode > 4) {
    return 0;

  for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
    sReturn[nReturnPos++] = (nAddressCode == i) ? '0' : 'F';

  for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
    sReturn[nReturnPos++] = (nChannelCode == i) ? '0' : 'F';

  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = 'F';
  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = 'F';
  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = 'F';

  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = bStatus ? 'F' : '0';

  sReturn[nReturnPos] = '\0';
  return sReturn;

 * Like getCodeWord (Type C = Intertechno)
char* RCSwitch::getCodeWordC(char sFamily, int nGroup, int nDevice, bool bStatus) {
  static char sReturn[13];
  int nReturnPos = 0;

  int nFamily = (int)sFamily - 'a';
  if ( nFamily < 0 || nFamily > 15 || nGroup < 1 || nGroup > 4 || nDevice < 1 || nDevice > 4) {
    return 0;
  // encode the family into four bits
  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = (nFamily & 1) ? 'F' : '0';
  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = (nFamily & 2) ? 'F' : '0';
  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = (nFamily & 4) ? 'F' : '0';
  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = (nFamily & 8) ? 'F' : '0';

  // encode the device and group
  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = ((nDevice-1) & 1) ? 'F' : '0';
  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = ((nDevice-1) & 2) ? 'F' : '0';
  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = ((nGroup-1) & 1) ? 'F' : '0';
  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = ((nGroup-1) & 2) ? 'F' : '0';

  // encode the status code
  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = '0';
  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = 'F';
  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = 'F';
  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = bStatus ? 'F' : '0';

  sReturn[nReturnPos] = '\0';
  return sReturn;

 * Encoding for the REV Switch Type
 * The code word is a tristate word and with following bit pattern:
 * +-----------------------------+-------------------+----------+--------------+
 * | 4 bits address              | 3 bits address    | 3 bits   | 2 bits       |
 * | switch group                | device number     | not used | on / off     |
 * | A=1FFF B=F1FF C=FF1F D=FFF1 | 1=0FF 2=F0F 3=FF0 | 000      | on=10 off=01 |
 * +-----------------------------+-------------------+----------+--------------+
 * Source: http://www.the-intruder.net/funksteckdosen-von-rev-uber-arduino-ansteuern/
 * @param sGroup        Name of the switch group (A..D, resp. a..d) 
 * @param nDevice       Number of the switch itself (1..3)
 * @param bStatus       Whether to switch on (true) or off (false)
 * @return char[13], representing a tristate code word of length 12
char* RCSwitch::getCodeWordD(char sGroup, int nDevice, bool bStatus) {
  static char sReturn[13];
  int nReturnPos = 0;

  // sGroup must be one of the letters in "abcdABCD"
  int nGroup = (sGroup >= 'a') ? (int)sGroup - 'a' : (int)sGroup - 'A';
  if ( nGroup < 0 || nGroup > 3 || nDevice < 1 || nDevice > 3) {
    return 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    sReturn[nReturnPos++] = (nGroup == i) ? '1' : 'F';

  for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
    sReturn[nReturnPos++] = (nDevice == i) ? '1' : 'F';

  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = '0';
  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = '0';
  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = '0';

  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = bStatus ? '1' : '0';
  sReturn[nReturnPos++] = bStatus ? '0' : '1';

  sReturn[nReturnPos] = '\0';
  return sReturn;

 * @param sCodeWord   a tristate code word consisting of the letter 0, 1, F
void RCSwitch::sendTriState(const char* sCodeWord) {
  // turn the tristate code word into the corresponding bit pattern, then send it
  unsigned long code = 0;
  unsigned int length = 0;
  for (const char* p = sCodeWord; *p; p++) {
    code <<= 2L;
    switch (*p) {
      case '0':
        // bit pattern 00
      case 'F':
        // bit pattern 01
        code |= 1L;
      case '1':
        // bit pattern 11
        code |= 3L;
    length += 2;
  this->send(code, length);

 * @param sCodeWord   a binary code word consisting of the letter 0, 1
void RCSwitch::send(const char* sCodeWord) {
  // turn the tristate code word into the corresponding bit pattern, then send it
  unsigned long code = 0;
  unsigned int length = 0;
  for (const char* p = sCodeWord; *p; p++) {
    code <<= 1L;
    if (*p != '0')
      code |= 1L;
  this->send(code, length);

 * Transmit the first 'length' bits of the integer 'code'. The
 * bits are sent from MSB to LSB, i.e., first the bit at position length-1,
 * then the bit at position length-2, and so on, till finally the bit at position 0.
void RCSwitch::send(unsigned long code, unsigned int length) {
  if (this->nTransmitterPin == -1)

#if not defined( RCSwitchDisableReceiving )
  // make sure the receiver is disabled while we transmit
  int nReceiverInterrupt_backup = nReceiverInterrupt;
  if (nReceiverInterrupt_backup != -1) {

  for (int nRepeat = 0; nRepeat < nRepeatTransmit; nRepeat++) {
    for (int i = length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (code & (1L << i))

  // Disable transmit after sending (i.e., for inverted protocols)
  digitalWrite(this->nTransmitterPin, LOW);

#if not defined( RCSwitchDisableReceiving )
  // enable receiver again if we just disabled it
  if (nReceiverInterrupt_backup != -1) {

 * Transmit a single high-low pulse.
void RCSwitch::transmit(HighLow pulses) {
  uint8_t firstLogicLevel = (this->protocol.invertedSignal) ? LOW : HIGH;
  uint8_t secondLogicLevel = (this->protocol.invertedSignal) ? HIGH : LOW;
  digitalWrite(this->nTransmitterPin, firstLogicLevel);
  delayMicroseconds( this->protocol.pulseLength * pulses.high);
  digitalWrite(this->nTransmitterPin, secondLogicLevel);
  delayMicroseconds( this->protocol.pulseLength * pulses.low);

#if not defined( RCSwitchDisableReceiving )
 * Enable receiving data
void RCSwitch::enableReceive(int interrupt) {
  this->nReceiverInterrupt = interrupt;

void RCSwitch::enableReceive() {
  if (this->nReceiverInterrupt != -1) {
    RCSwitch::nReceivedValue = 0;
    RCSwitch::nReceivedBitlength = 0;
#if defined(RaspberryPi) // Raspberry Pi
    wiringPiISR(this->nReceiverInterrupt, INT_EDGE_BOTH, &handleInterrupt);
#else // Arduino
    attachInterrupt(this->nReceiverInterrupt, handleInterrupt, CHANGE);

 * Disable receiving data
void RCSwitch::disableReceive() {
#if not defined(RaspberryPi) // Arduino
#endif // For Raspberry Pi (wiringPi) you can't unregister the ISR
  this->nReceiverInterrupt = -1;

bool RCSwitch::available() {
  return RCSwitch::nReceivedValue != 0;

void RCSwitch::resetAvailable() {
  RCSwitch::nReceivedValue = 0;

unsigned long RCSwitch::getReceivedValue() {
  return RCSwitch::nReceivedValue;

unsigned int RCSwitch::getReceivedBitlength() {
  return RCSwitch::nReceivedBitlength;

unsigned int RCSwitch::getReceivedDelay() {
  return RCSwitch::nReceivedDelay;

unsigned int RCSwitch::getReceivedProtocol() {
  return RCSwitch::nReceivedProtocol;

unsigned int* RCSwitch::getReceivedRawdata() {
  return RCSwitch::timings;

/* helper function for the receiveProtocol method */
static inline unsigned int diff(int A, int B) {
  return abs(A - B);

bool RECEIVE_ATTR RCSwitch::receiveProtocol(const int p, unsigned int changeCount) {
#if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32)
    const Protocol &pro = proto[p-1];
    Protocol pro;
    memcpy_P(&pro, &proto[p-1], sizeof(Protocol));

    unsigned long code = 0;
    //Assuming the longer pulse length is the pulse captured in timings[0]
    const unsigned int syncLengthInPulses =  ((pro.syncFactor.low) > (pro.syncFactor.high)) ? (pro.syncFactor.low) : (pro.syncFactor.high);
    const unsigned int delay = RCSwitch::timings[0] / syncLengthInPulses;
    const unsigned int delayTolerance = delay * RCSwitch::nReceiveTolerance / 100;
    /* For protocols that start low, the sync period looks like
     *               _________
     * _____________|         |XXXXXXXXXXXX|
     * |--1st dur--|-2nd dur-|-Start data-|
     * The 3rd saved duration starts the data.
     * For protocols that start high, the sync period looks like
     *  ______________
     * |              |____________|XXXXXXXXXXXXX|
     * |-filtered out-|--1st dur--|--Start data--|
     * The 2nd saved duration starts the data
    const unsigned int firstDataTiming = (pro.invertedSignal) ? (2) : (1);

    for (unsigned int i = firstDataTiming; i < changeCount - 1; i += 2) {
        code <<= 1;
        if (diff(RCSwitch::timings[i], delay * pro.zero.high) < delayTolerance &&
            diff(RCSwitch::timings[i + 1], delay * pro.zero.low) < delayTolerance) {
            // zero
        } else if (diff(RCSwitch::timings[i], delay * pro.one.high) < delayTolerance &&
                   diff(RCSwitch::timings[i + 1], delay * pro.one.low) < delayTolerance) {
            // one
            code |= 1;
        } else {
            // Failed
            return false;

    if (changeCount > 7) {    // ignore very short transmissions: no device sends them, so this must be noise
        RCSwitch::nReceivedValue = code;
        RCSwitch::nReceivedBitlength = (changeCount - 1) / 2;
        RCSwitch::nReceivedDelay = delay;
        RCSwitch::nReceivedProtocol = p;
        return true;

    return false;

void RECEIVE_ATTR RCSwitch::handleInterrupt() {

  static unsigned int changeCount = 0;
  static unsigned long lastTime = 0;
  static unsigned int repeatCount = 0;

  const long time = micros();
  const unsigned int duration = time - lastTime;

  if (duration > RCSwitch::nSeparationLimit) {
    // A long stretch without signal level change occurred. This could
    // be the gap between two transmission.
    if ((repeatCount==0) || (diff(duration, RCSwitch::timings[0]) < 200)) {
      // This long signal is close in length to the long signal which
      // started the previously recorded timings; this suggests that
      // it may indeed by a a gap between two transmissions (we assume
      // here that a sender will send the signal multiple times,
      // with roughly the same gap between them).
      if (repeatCount == 2) {
        for(unsigned int i = 1; i <= numProto; i++) {
          if (receiveProtocol(i, changeCount)) {
            // receive succeeded for protocol i
        repeatCount = 0;
    changeCount = 0;
  // detect overflow
  if (changeCount >= RCSWITCH_MAX_CHANGES) {
    changeCount = 0;
    repeatCount = 0;

  RCSwitch::timings[changeCount++] = duration;
  lastTime = time;  

I've based the entry on information available in the rtl_433 implementation and the associated discussion of the protocol.

I am running the ReceiveDemo_Simple.ino from rc-switch on a nodemcu V3 ESP8266 (I've tried an Arduino Pro Mini with same results).

#include <RCSwitch.h>
RCSwitch mySwitch = RCSwitch();

void setup() {
  Serial.println("Setup Serial");
  Serial.println("Setup RCSwitch");
void loop() {
  if (mySwitch.available()) {
    Serial.print("Received ");
    Serial.print( mySwitch.getReceivedValue() );
    Serial.print(" / ");
    Serial.print( mySwitch.getReceivedBitlength() );
    Serial.print("Bit ");
    Serial.print(" // ");
    Serial.print("Protocol: ");
    Serial.println( mySwitch.getReceivedProtocol() );

I am also sure the rain gauge itself is working as the associated display is receiving the signals and reacting to the sensor. I am sure my receiver and setup is generally working as I can reliably receive messages from my remote control:

19:20:29.073 -> Received 1394001 / 24Bit  // Protocol: 1
19:20:29.140 -> Received 1394001 / 24Bit  // Protocol: 1
19:20:29.239 -> Received 1394001 / 24Bit  // Protocol: 1
19:20:29.371 -> Received 1398111 / 24Bit  // Protocol: 1
19:20:29.471 -> Received 1398111 / 24Bit  // Protocol: 1
19:20:34.012 -> Received 1394001 / 24Bit  // Protocol: 1
19:20:34.112 -> Received 1394001 / 24Bit  // Protocol: 1
19:20:34.178 -> Received 1398111 / 24Bit  // Protocol: 1
19:20:34.476 -> Received 1394004 / 24Bit  // Protocol: 1
19:20:34.576 -> Received 1394004 / 24Bit  // Protocol: 1
19:20:34.708 -> Received 1398111 / 24Bit  // Protocol: 1

I bet I am missing something very basic or obvious and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.


Welcome to the forum!

After reading the forum guide at the head of every topic, please post the code, using code tags, then describe what the code should do, and what it does instead.

Thanks for the quick reply. I have updated the original question to include the entire code and clearer explanation of what I would expect as a result.


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