RC522 car starter help


I would like to make an Arduino rfid car starter similar to this one .

I need to use three relays, one for power one to start and one to stop. I wish to use IR sensors to measure the rpm of the engine to sense when the engine is running. I need to use IR sensors because it is an very old engine and I think that would be the easiest way. To stop the engine you need to turn off power(/igniton?) relay and turn on the stop relay and sense when rpm is 0.

Sorry for my bad explanation but I hope you understand what I wish to do anyway.

Thank you for any answers.

If it is an old engine reading the tach output on the distributor would be the most accurate and easiest.

What was your question?


My question is if anyone know of anything similar or can guide me in the right direction

Does your car have an OIL pressure warning lamp, most remote/auto starters use this as indication that an engine is running.
They then monitor the oil lamp to check if the motor has stalled or you are trying to run an engine with no oil.

Tom.... :slight_smile: