RCA Audio from sub woofer to arduino

I need a really simpe way to hook two RCA plugs that go to my sub amp in my car. im not very good with electronics but i can solder a ciruit board together and i sorta kinda know how to read circuit diagrams but not very well. I need the simpelest absolute simpelest way to get these rca plugs to my arduino to control some lights. PLEASE HELP!!! ICs are Acceptable\prefered.

Note i have heard of an OP amp IC. Would this Work?

ok i have no idea how would i determine that. I know that it uses two RCA plugs into the amp and that if both of them are not plugged in it doesnt sound the same as when they are. idk if that helps

ok i have no idea how would i determine that. I know that it uses two RCA plugs into the amp and that if both of them are not plugged in it doesnt sound the same as when they are. idk if that helps

I think if you don't even know the basics of your sound system and how it is connected, you are already waaaaay over your head for what you need to know in order to do what you want to do.

...of course, that's never stopped anyone, so good luck!

Basically, we need to know whether this is line-level audio or speaker-level audio. It sounds like your sub is likely dual voice coil, or there's two subwoofer drivers. There's also the question of whether this audio signal is pre-filtered for only the low-frequencies, or if it is going into a filter or crossover network (or even a separate amp) connected to the sub.

There's a lot of missing detail here, and given that you already say -you- as the owner have no clue, I am not certain how we'll be able to help you further...


Ok it should be pre filtered because it's plugged into my headunit in ports labeled sub. Also I don't think it's DVC. It's a 12 inch sony Xplode idk if that helps. And the amp and head unit are both Sony idk if that helps.

Also i am trying to use it to flash LEDs when the bass is higher then usual.

Also i am trying to use it to flash LEDs when the bass is higher then usual.

Hmm - kids these days; them and their color organs - polyester and disco can't be too far behind...


Yeah ik that's what I am trying to do lol that is why I want to find out how to get the audio into the arduino.

the arduino will be used to Control the light. What does the chip are talking about do? And how does it work lol I can get it to do what I want if I can just get the audio signal into the arduino.

also what is peak detection this might be what I want if it is what I think it is