i happened to bump into this site
and was wondering if anybody has heard anything of them? Are they genuine? I'm looking at some of their robotics programs but somehow things look fishy...
i happened to bump into this site
and was wondering if anybody has heard anything of them? Are they genuine? I'm looking at some of their robotics programs but somehow things look fishy...
Well for one, their site doesn't work
I suspect this is the real purpose of the web site / company...
(to sell franchises to people with too much money and not enough sense)
I'm looking at some of their robotics programs but somehow things look fishy...
Sometimes its best to trust your gut instincts, but for something like this, it should be fairly easy to check up on them, simply by sending a few emails and/or making a couple of calls.
They claim to have "training partners"; so call one of those training partners up and ask them if they have heard of them, that you were interested in the programs, and that you wanted to find out the legitimacy of the company.
Their main training partners are supposed to be Yaskawa Motoman Canada, and Panasonic, according to this page:
Contact these companies (a word of advice: sometimes these companies respond better to phone than email), and ask for a representative to speak to you about "Robotics Certification Standards Alliance Training and Certification". From there, depending on their answer, you may want to ask about references for people who have completed the program (they may or may not give out such information; most likely not, but it doesn't hurt to ask). Perhaps they might have some information about the program they can send you?
Good luck.
Contact these companies (a word of advice: sometimes these companies respond better to phone than email), and ask for a representative to speak to you about "Robotics Certification Standards Alliance Training and Certification". From there, depending on their answer, you may want to ask about references for people who have completed the program (they may or may not give out such information; most likely not, but it doesn't hurt to ask). Perhaps they might have some information about the program they can send you?
Nice Idea. Only Calling them would be tricky as they are not based here and I don't think an email would get a reply in this case. Let me see...
The RCSA is a global company that has been actively providing robotics curriculums, training, online testing systems and certification since 1998.
Yes it is easy for individuals to quickly come to a negative judgement based on a quick view (seconds) on a website. I know I have done it and I too have been burned in business.
Although I am an employee of the RCSA I can assure it is a company who's ethics are not only met to my beliefs but they are a company who see's a world vision in standardization of robotics. Something that is prevelant in the world today.
As one member alluded, contacting our partners. I couldn't agree more. Contact them and it should clear any distorted image you may or may not have already falsely assumed.
Our newest parnters in India include RobotechLabs and Roboticwares. I too would suggest contacting them.
The RCSA is working on other certification projects in many other countries such as Korea, China, Mexico, USA, to name a few.
I hope this helps with anything mis leading info that can so easily be found or transpired on the internet. The RCSA is an honest Canadian company that is leading the way in robotics certification.
Please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to share more.
Jamie Brook
VP, Business Development
DON'T TRUST HIM! He can't handle an apostrophe.
Or commas, or hyphens.
That's my bad, the site does work (well, it does NOW...).