Re: Reference page corrections

Dear Webmaster,
I came across a topic in my studies of the Arduino system that may need correction (constrain() - Arduino Reference). The item resides under mathematical operations. From what I understood, being a newbie to this, it looked to be in error. The following is a partial copy of the page below.

Constrain(x, a, b) Function

x: if x is between a and b

a: if x is less than a

b: if x is greater than b

sensVal = constrain(sensVal, 10, 150);
// limits range of sensor values to between 10 and 150

"should not it say if x is greater than a, and x is lesser than b?" "That's what then note part of the code says."

Corrections, suggestions, and new documentation should be posted to the Forum.

It is not clear to me how you want this portion of the documentation to be changed:

x: if x is between a and b
a: if x is less than a
b: if x is greater than b

Could you please show the documentation in its corrected form?