Re: Scrolling LED matrix display - Parola for Arduino

You should read this post Scrolling Text on LED Matrix 8x8 using Arduino - The Engineering Projects .... They have shown in detail how to interface arduino with 8x8 led matrix. They have used MAX7219 in order to do so. The code is also given there along with Proteus simulation.

This does not seem to be related to the thread you posted in on: Re: Scrolling LED matrix display - Parola for Arduino - Exhibition / Gallery - Arduino Forum

The page you linked to seems to have a lot of trackers on it:

Screenshot from 2015-12-04 14:58:43.png

You have spammed the same post to five threads within a few minutes. I'm going to delete all the others. Please do not spam your "advertising" to multiple threads or you are in danger of being banned.

Almost all your posts are just links to your web site. This forum is not intended as a jumping board for generating links to your own site. If you keep doing that I will delete your account and all your posts. Make a proper contribution here or go somewhere else.

It's already taken me 10 minutes to read and delete the posts you made today, all identical, and made within minutes of each other.