Hi, you're welcome!
Ahm, i don't understand exactly what you are trying to do, but I think
you possibly are needing something like a charbuffer...
Then you are able to collect complete messagesequence to compare with known strings to reakt.
So, i would advise Pstring-Library...
Maybe you have a look at it....
You have to download pstring-library, extract the archive... then you have to copy the contents of the archive to your librarys-folder in your arduino-Ide Folder.
If that was successfull, under Examples menue you should get some new psting examples....
maybe, this could help you to process you messages.
Greetings ChrisS
Chris, Ill check out that link. Sounds like it might have what I am looking for. Basically I want the Serial to be able to "read" more then just one character. Instead of just reading "A" as a single byte, I need to be able to process either a string of bytes that are grouped, or somehow assign a string to a "byte".
Something like (and pardon the crudeness here):
if serial.read == ('ABCD')
{set int heatervalve(1)
and after then, for the Ardunio to see that value of "int heatervalve(1)" and send out "Serial.Print('EFGH')
I have to applogize, programming is a completely new language to me, and it took me 4 years to pass Spanish 1 in high school, so be patient haha!
ChrisS is right - you need to use a buffer. You check if there is anything waiting on the serial port, if so, read it, store it in a buffer. Then you check the serial port again if so read the next value, store that in the next position of the buffer. If there is nothing left on the port, add the special "end of string" character to the buffer.