C1/R1/LED2 is almost certainly wrong.
D1 should have a current-limiting resistor.
The schematics is ugly and hard to read; it's bad form to run signals inside of component outlines. Put a nice horizontal +5 line across the top and GND at the bottom and run appropriate signals vertically (or use GND and V+ symbols.)
Much nicer (version 2.) Not my favorite style of schematic (aside from power, I like to actually see wires), but it is pretty common and not something I can complain about. Nicely named and labeled signals...
LED2 is backward.
R1 (with the IR LED) is too big (1k); you probably want larger resistors with the status/power LEDs (since they're just status) and a lower value on the IR led since that's where you want to send most of your power...