Read 2analog inputs and compare them

in the lines of code analogRead(5); what is the (50 refering to

RTFM? ➜ analogRead() - Arduino Reference

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As J-M-L mention ... the 5 stand for A5. The analog input name A5 of the Arduino, use to measure a voltage from 0 V to 5 V ... more than 5 V ... well .... you may damage the ATMega chip.

Example ... reading_data = analogRead(5); // Will measure a voltage at pin A5 of the Ardiuno.
It will give a result from 0 to 1023, an integer, a 2 byte number. Because the ADC i( Analog to Digital Converter ) result a 10 bits number. It mean you got a step of 4.88 mV ( 5 V / 1024 ) for every 1 step.

Let say you read ... reading_data is 511 in value. So the input voltage of the A5 pin is ... ( 5 / 1024 ) * 511 = 2.495117188 <-- Multimeter will read 2.5 V.

Let say to want to read 2 voltage and compare them ( as your title say ) You need 2 analog input.

byte analogpin1 = 0; // Analog pin A0
byte analogpin2 = 1; // Analog pin A1

unsigned int reading_data_one; // to store a number from 0 to 1023
unsigned int reading_data_two;
unsigned int reading_difference;

float voltage_difference;
float current;

const unsigned int resistance = 10;

void setup()

void loop

reading_data_one = analogRead(analogpin1); // It will be the highest voltage
reading_data_two = analogRead(analogpin2); // it will be the lowest voltage

// It depend on where you measure the voltages on your circuits
// let say measure a voltage drop across a resistor in order to calculate the current.

// Let get the difference
reading_difference = reading_data_one - reading_data_two;

// Let get the voltage
// reading_difference - 5 - 1024 are integer and the result as to be a float.  
voltage_difference = float(reading_difference * ( 5 / 1024 )); 
current = voltage_difference / float(resistance);

// let display the  current


Sorry for the mistakes if any.

I think you meant:

thank u for a speedy reply,having looked at the sketch again it is a lot clearer

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