Read data from moving vehicle

I need to read data from a vehicle moving at speeds of about 80kmph. I would like to know, what technology to use, to read the data and how to represent the data for fastest retrieval from the vehicle.

How much data , how far from the vehicle, what data rate ... etc.

Radio ? Long piece of wire ?

I would like to know, what technology to use, to read the data and how to represent the data for fastest retrieval from the vehicle.

I suspect the form and quantity and types and measuring period and frequency of measurements and required accuracy of the data may have a bearing on how is it collected and represented.

Use interrupts.

How much data , how far from the vehicle, what data rate ... etc.

Radio ? Long piece of wire ?

The idea is to retrieve the information such as model number etc. of the vehicle from a maximum distance of about 3 feets.

I was considering IR for detection system and some sort of reflecting surface for the data representation, but the problem is, IR detectors may be disturbed by the sunlight during day and also, if there are things such as mud etc. the detection system might fail.

Rf24 radios may be a good choice. See the simple rf24 tutorial.

Moving vehicle - 3 ft distance. That's probably a fairly slow moving vehicle, taking many seconds to go in and out of range, you it wouldn't get this close to the detector (or is the detector in the road surface?).

No worries about speed here, not much data: just a few fixed data points - as this are apparently known vehicles all you need is an identification/serial number, the rest of the data of the vehicle you would have in your database.

Would ANR be enough?

That's probably a fairly slow moving vehicle...

I need to read data from a vehicle moving at speeds of about 80kmph...

80,000 mph <> slow
