I'm new to Arduino so I'm trying to wrap my head around the Arduino rules. Can someone point me to the right direction please? I am trying to read mouse input from the Arduino Giga R1 WiFi and I'm not quite clear how I'm supposed to achieve that. What library/command do I use? Appreciate any guidance.
Hi @arduinoob99. It looks like the developers made at least a start at adding mouse support to the alpha stage "USBHostGiga" library:
I notice that, even though the added an example sketch for keyboard, they didn't do the same for mouse, which I take as a sign the implementation is not yet complete.
I wrote a simple test sketch to check:
// Print the mouse position and button values to Serial Monitor
#include <USBHostGiga.h>
REDIRECT_STDOUT_TO(Serial) // Uncomment this to get debug information
Mouse mouse;
void setup() {
while (!Serial) {}
pinMode(92, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(92, HIGH); // Power the USB-A connector
void loop() {
if (mouse.available()) {
Serial.println("Mouse data available!");
auto mouseData = mouse.read();
Serial.print("x: ");
Serial.print("y: ");
for (byte buttonIndex = 0; buttonIndex < sizeof(mouseData.buttons) / sizeof(mouseData.buttons[0]); buttonIndex++) {
Serial.print("button ");
Serial.print(": ");
I do see that the mouse I connected to the USB-A port on the Giga board is powered and recognized:
USB Device Connected
USB Device Reset Completed
PID: c00eh
VID: 46dh
Address (#1) assigned.
Manufacturer : Logitech
Product : USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse
Serial Number : N/A
Enumeration done.
This device has only 1 configuration.
Default configuration set.
Device remote wakeup enabled
Switching to Interface (#0)
Class : 3h
SubClass : 1h
Protocol : 2h
Mouse device found!
HID class started.
But Mouse::available()
never returns a non-zero value even when I move the mouse and press the buttons. So I'm not sure whether I did something wrong or if the library doesn't yet have mouse support as suspected.
Maybe it will at least will give you a starting point though.
@ptillisch this is awesome. I wasn't expecting an example. Thanks so much. This will definitely get me going in the right direction .
Got the same issue here, giga can detect the mouse but can’t read data from it, any idea how to make it work?
Hi @zisarduino. I haven't done any further work with connecting a mouse to the USB host port of the GIGA R1 WiFi board since the time I wrote my previous reply so unfortunately the information I posted here is everything I know on the subject.
Hopefully one of the other forum helpers will be able to provide assistance.
Job done. Actually the Keyboard demo works with mouse. The uint8_t keys[2] and keys[4] carries mouse x/y info.