Hi there!!
I have 200 digital sensors that I need to read its state from a arduino.
What I was thinking about is to make something like digital leds, where i connect 200 IC's in series. the first IC gets a "start" signal over a input pin, and outputs a "done" over one pin, and its state over another pin for (as example) 1ms. the next ic, reads the done, and does the same as the pervious chip.. this way each chip outputs its state one after the other to a "main line" that can be read by the arduino instantly.
this has multiple problems:
- its expensive to buy 200 programmable ICs,
- its expensive to program 200 ICs.
- its expensive to buy 200 additional components that are needed to drive the ics.
I was wondering if I am trying to reinvent the wheel.. Is there already a similar product that does the same thing, maybe over a standard protocol? I was not able to find anything.
I am not searching for a specific product, as it would be against the rules, but rather a name for this kind of components that could help me to find something online.
Thank you
Best regards