Read-out of a Glucose sensor (FreeStyle Libre)

Hi! @mbobinger,

I hope you're doing well. I came across a forum thread discussing a project related to connecting to the Freestyle Libre sensor, but the thread is closed and inconclusive. I am currently working on almost the same thing, I want arduino to comunicate with the Freestyle Libre sensor, I have an arduino nano, the MFRC522 NFC reader and a Freestyle Libre 1 sensor, I was wondering if you might be able to provide some guidance.

Was it possible to establish a connection with the Freestyle Libre sensor? I'm trying to explore the possibilities and understand what my alternatives might be in this project.

Thank you in advance for considering my request.

The sensor talks to its application (on your phone) using bluetooth (or wifi). You might be able to trap the data if you install on your computer (not phone) WireShark ( ) and find how the two are communicating. If you find that, and the data transmitted by the sensor to your phone is "open" (non-encrypted), you can trap the data being passed and store it to your computer... unless you want to write a protocol analyzer for the Arduino (if so, I approve).

[edit] The web site says:

"... WiFi or cellular...[network]" for connection to the app.

Thank you for your response. Actually, the first release of the FreeStyle Libre Sensor communicates using an RFID protocol, which only allows for short-distance data transfer. So, I can't capture the data as you describe. I have set up my Arduino with an RFID reader, the MFRC522. I found that @mbobinger tried to do something similar in this post: Read-out of 13.56MHz Glucose sensor (freestyle libre 2) for a university project, but unfortunately the post is closed and I don't know if he found the solution or not

Search the web for "freestyle libre hacking reverse engineering". Many people have been down this path.

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Send a message to mbobinger. Click the name, click their icon, click "message" and send your request.

My results: Not a single device, code, method or instruction. Just legal warnings and speculation.

It seems they haven't posted for over 2 years - so don't hold your breath ...

Thanks, that helped a lot, I found various github pages of related work i think the most useful is this repository GitHub - captainbeeheart/openfreestyle: Abbott FreeStyle Libre 14 days glucose sensor reverse and open software framework project, I will tried to read the data from the sensor as shows in the repository and then I think maybe I can make it work with the arduino.

I tried to send him a direct message but I cant find the way to do it in the arduino Forum, thats why I started this post with the hope that he will answer but I think now I have more ideas to keep trying. Thanks for all your answers and if you have more info about this topic that you can share with me I really would appreciate it

Post #5.

Perhaps your new-to-the-forum status, you might not yet have been granted "message" status. Keep reading, searching, posting. That earns you points toward status levels.

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