I want te read mails existing in an pop3 mail account. My Arduino Uno and Ethernetshield2 connect with the Mailbox, but I don´t get the text of the mail. Can anyone tell me my error.
Only anonymous data are sent in the mails so I can use port 110
Here´s my Code:
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet2.h>
// Use comments to enable or disable this define for debug messages
#define DEBUG_POP
// Use comments to enable or disable the deleting of the mail
// The mac address must be an unique number
// A mac generator is used:
// MAC Address Generator
byte mac[] = { 0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x10, 0x50, 0x93 };
// change network settings to yours
IPAddress ip( 192, 168, X, XX );
IPAddress gateway( 192, 168, X, X );
IPAddress subnet( 255, 255, 255, 0 );
const char pop_server[] = "pop.smart-mail.de";
const int pop_port = 110;
const char pop_user[] = "XXXXXXXX@smart-mail.de"; //mail address hidden
const char pop_pass[] = "XXXXXXXXXX"; //password hidden
#define POP_TIMEOUT 10
EthernetClient client;
void setup()
Serial.begin( 9600);
Serial.println(F( "\nArduino POP3 email reader"));
if ( Ethernet.begin( mac) == 0)
Serial.println("Failed to configure Ethernet using DHCP.");
// no point in carrying on, so do nothing forevermore:
while (1);
// print your local IP address.
Serial.println(F( "Ethernet started."));
Serial.print(F( "Local IP = "));
Serial.println(F( "Press 'c' to check mail."));
void loop()
// Create a buffer to receive the commands in (that is the Subject of the mail).
char buffer[32];
byte inChar = Serial.read();
if (inChar == 'c')
int n = getEmail( buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if ( n < 0)
Serial.print(F("Email POP3 failed, error = "));
Serial.println( n);
if ( n == 0)
Serial.println(F("Ready, nothing to do."));
// 'n' is > 0, a command received.
Serial.print(F("Email checked, Command = ""));
Serial.print( buffer);
// getEmail
int getEmail( char *pBuf, int nBufSize)
// nBytes is the number of bytes that is returned by getEmail.
int nBytes = 0;
int nError = client.connect( pop_server, pop_port);
if ( nError == 0)
return ( -200);
// Only a value of 1 is okay.
if ( nError != 1)
return ( nError);
#ifdef DEBUG_POP
// The server should respond with "+OK" and maybe more text after that.
// Check if "+OK" can be read.
// The parameter 'true' is to read also everything after the "+OK".
if (!readOk( true))
return -102;
#ifdef DEBUG_POP
Serial.println(F("command USER"));
client.print(F( "USER "));
client.println( pop_user);
if (!readOk( true))
return -103;
#ifdef DEBUG_POP
Serial.println(F("command PASS"));
client.print(F( "PASS "));
client.println( pop_pass);
if (!readOk( true))
return -104;
#ifdef DEBUG_POP
Serial.println(F("command STAT"));
client.println(F( "STAT"));
if (!readOk( false))
return -105;
// The whole line was like this: "+OK 3 15343"
// It means that 3 emails are waiting with a total size of 15343.
// At this moment, the "+OK" is read, but nothing else.
// Check if there is a space after "+OK".
char c = client.read();
if ( c != ' ')
return -106;
client.setTimeout( POP_TIMEOUT); // set timeout lower for parseInt
// Read the number of emails that are on the server.
int nMails = client.parseInt();
client.setTimeout( POP_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT); // restore timeout to 1 second
// Read the remaining of the response to STAT.
#ifdef DEBUG_POP
Serial.print(F( "Number of emails="));
Serial.println( nMails);
// Test if there are emails waiting.
if ( nMails == 0)
// No emails, but no error. Set buffer to empty string.
nBytes = 0; // the returned value
pBuf[0] = '\0'; // set empty string
else if ( nMails > 0)
// emails are waiting.
// Scan the emails until the first is found with the keyword "ARDUINO " at the
// beginning of the "Subject: ".
boolean found_and_ready = false;
for ( int nMailNumber = 1; nMailNumber <= nMails && !found_and_ready; nMailNumber++)
// The command RETR gets the whole mail.
// The command TOP gets the header plus 'size' of the body.
#ifdef DEBUG_POP
//Serial.print(F( "command RETR 1 ")); //Liest die Mail
Serial.print(F( "command TOP 1 5"));
Serial.print( nMailNumber);
Serial.println(F( " 0")); //******** Evtl. statt 0 höhere Zahl
// client.print(F( "RETR 1 "));
client.print(F( "TOP 1 5"));
client.print( nMailNumber);
client.println(F( " 0")); //******** Evtl. statt 0 höhere Zahl
// Use readOk with parameter 'false' to stop reading after "+OK".
if (!readOk(false))
return -107;
client.setTimeout( POP_TIMEOUT); // set short timeout for find().
// find() returns true if found and false if not.
boolean foundsubject = true; //client.find( "Subject: ARDUINO");
client.setTimeout( POP_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT); // restore timeout to 1 second
if ( foundsubject)
#ifdef DEBUG_POP
Serial.println(F("Found an email for me"));
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < (nBufSize - 1) && client.available(); i++)
char c = client.read();
if (c == '\r' || c == '\n')
pBuf = c;
- }*
- // Add zero terminator*
_ pBuf = '\0';_
* nBytes = i; // the number of received bytes is returned by the getEmail() function.*
* // More text of the header could be following the Subject.*
* // That is read and disregarded.*
* readRemaining();*
#ifdef DEBUG_POP
* Serial.print(F( "Subject = "ARDUINO"));*
* Serial.print( pBuf);*
* Serial.println(F( """));*
* // Delete the just read message.*
//#ifdef DEBUG_POP
* //Serial.print(F( "command DELE "));*
* Serial.println( nMailNumber);*
* client.print(F( "DELE "));*
* client.println( nMailNumber);*
* if (!readOk( true))*
* return -108;*
* //#endif*
* found_and_ready = true;
_ }_
_ else*_
* {*
#ifdef DEBUG_POP
* Serial.println(F("No ARDUINO keyword in subject"));*
* readRemaining();*
* }*
* }*
* }*
#ifdef DEBUG_POP
* Serial.println(F( "Sending QUIT"));*
* client.println(F( "QUIT"));*
* if (!readOk( false))*
* return -109;*
* client.stop();*
#ifdef DEBUG_POP
* Serial.println(F("normally disconnected"));*
* return ( nBytes);*
// Read the response from the mail server.
// That is "+OK" if everything is okay.
// Parameter 'readAll' is to read every character after the "+OK".
boolean readOk( boolean readAll)
* int loopCount = 0;*
* char bufOk[4];*
* // Wait for response of mail server, with a timout.*
* while (!client.available())*
* {*
* delay(1);*
* loopCount++;*
* // if nothing received for 10 seconds, timeout*
* if (loopCount > 10000)*
* {*
* client.stop();*
#ifdef DEBUG_POP
* Serial.println(F("\nTimeout"));*
* return false;*
* }*
* }*
* // Read the first three bytes.*
_ client.readBytes(bufOk, 3); //******** Evtl. statt 0 höhere Zahl_
#ifdef DEBUG_POP
_ Serial.write(bufOk, 3); //******** Evtl. statt 0 höhere Zahl_
* Serial.println();*
* // Is it "+OK" ?*
* if ( strncmp( bufOk, "+OK", 3) != 0)*
* {*
* popFail();*
* return false;*
* }*
* // When the text after "+OK" is not needed, everything*
* // else can be read and disregarded*
* // (or shown in the serial monitor during debugging).*
* if ( readAll)*
* readRemaining();*
* return true;*
void readRemaining()
* while (client.available())*
* {*
* char c = client.read();*
* Serial.print( c);*
* }*
* return;*
void popFail()
* int loopCount = 0;*
#ifdef DEBUG_POP
* Serial.println(F("popFail"));*
* while (!client.available())*
* {*
* delay(1);*
* loopCount++;*
* // if nothing received for 10 seconds, timeout*
* if (loopCount > 10000)*
* {*
* client.stop();*
#ifdef DEBUG_POP
* Serial.println(F("\nTimeout"));*
* return;*
* }*
* }*
* client.stop();*
#ifdef DEBUG_POP
* Serial.println(F("disconnected due to fail"));*