Hi, how can i read datas from the power jack and launch them in a code to return a battery symbol (Full/medium or empty) to lcd?
Sorry my question. I'm knew in arduino. :o
Hi, how can i read datas from the power jack and launch them in a code to return a battery symbol (Full/medium or empty) to lcd?
Sorry my question. I'm knew in arduino. :o
Hi, and welcome to the forum.
The DC socket or V-in pin of an Uno is not connected to any pin of the processor.
You need to do that externally, with a voltage divider (two resistors).
Resistor values depend on the voltage you want to measure.
Need details to give you proper advice.
Read the "how to post" sticky at the top of each main page.
Note that battery voltage is a poor indicator of charge left, but full/medium/empty could work.
In addition to the above, please also describe what is sending data "into the power jack" and what the data is.
The easiest place to connect is the Vin pin but take note that there is a diode between the power jack and the Vin pin. The voltage you read from the Vin pin will be about 0.6V lower than the voltage at the power jack.